Chapter Ten pt 3

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Without questioning, Eial immediately used water magic and dumped the whole area in water, taming the spores in the air and cleaning the spores from their faces. But this action also drenched the two, and the unexpectedness left Drokn flabbergasted. "Sorry," Eial mentioned again apologetically, and swirling his hands in a circular motion, he let air magic dry them both. Readjusting himself, he moved his hands awkwardly in the air and tried to gather his thoughts. "So..." He cleared his throat. "She is your birth mother?"

Drokn only rolled his eyes exaggeratedly before batting at his cape and turning around to walk back. Unsure of what to do, Eial asked no further and followed.

What a coincidence this was! Fate really works in strange ways. The happenings of the day had already jumbled his mind. But it seems that the world had much more in store for him. What other strange occurrences will happen?

Back at the cabin, the demoness had organized her gatherings of plants into vessels inside the drawers and cabinets with familiarity as if it was her own home. Inside one of the cabinets, she spotted a wooden hair clip, its engravings poorly crafted. Gently, her fingers grazed over the bumps and an indistinguishable expression rose on her face. As she heard footsteps approaching, she closed the cabinet and walked outside.

"Enjoy your afternoon stroll?" asked the demoness and looked at Eial. "The brat didn't say anything stupid to you, did he?"

Drokn glared at the demoness. "Caring words for someone who just showed up after years."

"You little shit. You almost left him to die just yesterday and you have the nerve to say anything."

Eial nervously looked back and forth as the sharp words exchanged from one to the other. With a few steps, he stood in between them, facing his mother. "Mother, perhaps you should not... call him such names. Considering..." He awkwardly peeked at the demon before facing back forward. "I will start a meal. I am sure we will be better spirited after eating."

After Eial jogged away, the demoness faced Drokn. "So I guess you told him?"

"Were you hoping I wouldn't?"

"Why are you so sensitive? I was just asking. Whether he knows or not makes no difference to me."

"I'm sure it doesn't!"

"Don't sass at your mother!"

"As if you could call yourself my mother!"

Just as a cold tension froze the air, Eial returned. Cautiously, he started, "Mother, do you have ingredients for seasoning?"

She turned to look at Eial before closing her eyes and breathing out a breath to calm herself. "I'm sorry to make you witness this, Eial. I'll go grab some herbs." After speaking, she walked back inside the cabin and rummaged through the drawers.

Eial walked to the demon and gently held the demon's hand with both of his own. Drokn glared at first, preparing to pull back, but when Eial gently soothed his palm with both of his thumbs, he couldn't deny the relaxation that washed over him. Not to mention the cooling sensation from the contact distracting his darkened thoughts.

"Come with me?" Eial whispered and lightly pulled on Drokn's hand until he followed Eial back to where he was preparing their meal. A fire burned on the ground surrounded by rocks and skewers were set off to the side, waiting to be seasoned. Making sure no one was around, Eial kept his voice low and calm. "Are you alright?"

Drokn stared until he took his hand away from the light hold, folds forming between his brows.

"I can feel that you are hurting," the elf said, his gaze maintaining on the demon in care. Suddenly, however, his lips cracked into a small smile that he immediately tried to hold back.

This was definitely not unnoticed by the demon who couldn't decide between feeling angry and completely baffled. "Ha! Is my misery amusing for you? I didn't think you'd be so vicious," he bit, his face almost contorted.

"No! No! Sorry, I just— sorry. Don't mind me." Eial tried hard to force himself to have a face of concentration and concern with his brows together and lips tight.

"Tell me what you were thinking of just now."

Eial remained silent.

"Tell me what you were thinking or I'll rip your tongue out!"

As brutal as the words were, Eial didn't feel threatened. He just slowly brought his gaze to the side and bit his lip while the heel of his boot dug into the ground. "Sorry, it's just that— this is the first time I have had more than one person with me. And the first time I am witnessing a disagreement between them. And the situation is just so new to me. Not to disrespect your feelings at all! Just— I did not ever expect to be in this situation in my lifetime. So a part of me is excited to be experiencing something new, and— I'm sorry. I should not be excited when you are feeling bad. I am still concerned about you. You may continue." Eial finished off by re-wearing the face of concentration, although much more exaggerated this time, and gestured his hands towards the demon as if offering the demon to speak.

Drokn could never get immune to the strangeness of this elf, and he found himself feeling muddled with emotions. He took his hand and massaged his forehead creases with a deep inhale. Looking up at Eial, he then took both his hands and roughly ruffled the elf's hair. "You. Are. So—!" When he heard a twig snap behind him, he immediately stopped and took his hands away.

Eial's hair was a mess and his cheeks had a slight rosy tint. Noticing his mother walking towards them, he shook his head and quickly walked over to grab the herbs in her hands.

"Did I interrupt something?" she snickered and smoothed out Eial's hair before she saw the demon and sighed. "Let's at least be tolerant. For Eial."

The demon looked away without a response. All the better. Silence might be the only method of tolerance between them.

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