Chapter Five pt 3

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After their meals and mindless chatter, Eial reorganized the area, covering leftover bread with the cloth. His hands reached to a set of dark green leaves in the basket, deep in thought. Lifting his head as if determined with a decision, he crumpled and creased the leaf, allowing the flavors to release. And in an instant, he walked over to the back of the unexpecting demon and called out.

As the demon turned with his mouth open ready to respond, the leaf was shoved in, and a tremendously bitter taste permeated his taste buds.

"What the fuck did you put in me?" the horned being roared, spitting out whatever he could of the leaf. But the taste remained unchanged in his mouth.

"I-it's called bitter leaf." A shy grin accompanied his soft face. "It's good for you."

"I don't care if it's fucking good for me. Hell. How the fuck do I get this taste out—" Noticing the slight devilish gleam in the elf's eyes, he paused, exasperated. In a deep voice, he grated, "you did this on purpose."

The elf's childish smile widened. "A little payback."

A thin piece of ice held the demon's patience. "For what?"

"Although your throw was weak, it wasn't nice."

"Wha—" His gaze wandered recalling the night he threw the elf against a tree, and with a seething glare, he eyes struck back. "Weak?" And that was enough to snap the ice. The demon grabbed the elf by the neck of his cloak and raised him up just as he did the other night. His eyes grew to a reddish amber, boiled from his anger. "Do you want me to show you a real throw, then?" he threatened.

But being picked up had no effect on the little being who hung loosely in mid air. Instead of being frightened, the elf just laughed playfully at the threat, taking in satisfaction of affecting the demon's emotions. "Teasing," he laughed. "I understand why it's fun."

And with that, the anger washed away from the demon like a pouring waterfall and a new emotion took hold. He dropped the elf— who landed without faltering— and shoved his left hand through his black hair, facing down. "Damn you." He looked back at the giggling elf and a challenging smile turned his lip. "Damn you."

A purple orb of dark magic shot at the elf's left shoulder, and expectedly, the elf turned to dodge. At that chance, the demon spun himself over to the small one's unguarded back and swung his arm around his tiny throat into a choke hold— one not too tight— and pinned him to his chest. In response, the elf grabbed the demon's forearm and pretended to struggle free, all the while laughing joyfully.

"You little imp," the horned being called in a sly smile. Sparklers glistened around his heart and the warmth permeated through his skin. His eyes turned a rather light amber and twinkled, absorbing the presence of the elf, absorbing the contagious mood of the elf. Has he ever felt this... light?

But soon an odd sensation encompassed where the elf touched his arm, distracting him into a puzzled frown. With reluctance, he let go, and the elf's laughter slowed. Clasping the other's shoulders, he turned the elf to face him. "Do you feel something odd when you touch me?"

Bright green eyes stared at the amber ones in confusion. "Odd? Not quite. I usually— well, our bond's pull calms when we touch. Is that odd?"

"No, not that," the demon said and let go of the elf's shoulders. "Like a weird... sensation. Something like if you were passing water through me."

"Oh, I assure you I am not passing water through you."

"Well, of course you aren't but— I don't know, it just feels like that. Here, give me your hands." The demon reached over and scooped up both of the elf's hands, positioning them so that both of their palms held each other's wrists. Instantly, he felt the rush pass through the elf's palms into his skin. "This! Do you not feel this?"

"I... I'm not sure. No?"

The demon gripped the elf's skin harder before letting go, grazing his fingernails on the elf's palms as they fell. What's going on, then? he thought, staring at his wrists as if they were unfamiliar to him. When he looked back up, he'd noticed the elf staring at his palms with his cheeks slightly rose-tinted. "What happened?"

"Oh, uhm, " the little being started as he looked at the demon and then back at his palms. "Your nails. They just... tickled." Cupping his nose and mouth with his palms, he giggled with his eyes closed.

Warmth filled the horned being's chest unwillingly and he yearned to pull the elf into an embrace, or ruffle his hair, or graze his cheek— anything to touch him. Could he resist—? Ahh fuck, whatever!

Settling to the least intimate, he reached out his long hand and ruffled the soft, silver hair, ignoring the elf's curious gaze. Then, his other hand reached over and roughly ruffled both sides, moving back and forth on his scalp with vigor, as if frustrated. Just as he was satisfied enough, he moved his hands back and saw the elf, his hair poofed in a tangled mess. In a victorious smirk, he turned around and left, leaving the elf thoroughly confused and especially blushed.

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