Chapter Twenty Two pt 6

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Instinctively, she could understand that this newborn was connected to her own son. That the pulse in her veins was a warning of protection. But the pulse in her veins also carried darker sounds.

At that moment she saw the babe, memories of the elf who had been bonded to her deceased brother boiled in her. Memories she had longed to rid from her running thoughts— this baby elf had awoken them. Unlocked from her mind's tomb.

With a blurred consciousness, a grip on the baby's neck slowly tightened, the baby whose young eyes could not yet see. But he could feel. He felt a warmth touch him, and with a hand the size of an walnut, he weakly reached out and seeked the warmth, curling the fingers on contact.

Vrona's eyebrow twitched, her heart shook. The pitiful babe lay comforted within the demoness's grip, seizing his cries, his uncontrolled magic lightening. Shakily, the demoness's grip loosened. Her whole body trembled. With a huff of a breath, she scooped up and held the babe tight against her chest for a moment, enough to feel a heartbeat.

And ran.


"The experimental elf, A— something something. How long was he at the facility? Was he short, as well?"

Drokn's voice distracted Vrona from recalling further, a relief she was secretly appreciative of. Yet, the subject matter was still not a pleasant one for the demoness, as a mix of emotions flushed against her dark pupils. "He was a normal elf's height, maybe on the taller side. He was at the facility since he was little, but...," Vrona's gaze waved to the side. "He'd never received love both during and before being in the facility. An elf who has never tasted love wouldn't know the difference of receiving it."

A gentle gaze from the demon wandered over the elf's lying figure, observing the bridge of his nose down to the boots on his feet. And this elf had learned the difference. He couldn't decide if that was a blessing or a curse. To have tasted love, yet to have it taken away.

But if not for the circumstance where he was met with love, he would have...

The demon thought of this elf, one now he holds care for, and thought of the baby so close to death. For the first time, the thought of the demoness leaving him as a child held less tragedy. For if that had not happened, the elf may have been left with a crueler fate.

A few hours had passed with the elf comfortable on his thigh. Well, comfortable for the elf. As for the demon, he could so longer feel his left leg and his bottom grew sore. He wanted to shuffle through the pricks of numbness and stiffness, but was too afraid he would disturb the elf. "The things I do for you," grated the demon softly, but to his surprise, the elf's eyelashes fluttered open. With a jolt, he shut his mouth tight.

The elf's lovely green eyes looked up preciously into the amber ones above and he smiled. Raising a hand to the demons cheek, the elf lightly tapped one side and whispered in a melody, "I know."

Before Eial could see the demon's face flush red, the elf made his way to sit up, slowly. Turning around to peek up at the demon who had faced away, a mischievous grin widened on his lips. Pointing a finger at the thigh he had rested his head on, he—

Drokn yelped in pain, his eyes closed and teeth clenched, before glaring dumbfoundedly at the elf. For what the elf had done was take his finger to poke the numb thigh, sending prickling pain through the demon's nerves.

Looking at Eial's face, however, one could tell there was no sense of regret. The elf's eyes twinkled playfully as he looked directly into the demon's.

"You—!" The demon wanted to grab the impish elf and ruffle his hair roughly as revenge. However, as soon as he tried to move, the numbness in his leg could make him do anything but move, leaving him helpless.

Noticing such, the elf's grin only grew wider. But surely he wouldn't let the demon suffer for too long. And so, the elf grabbed the shin of the demon's sore leg, lifted it up slightly, and shook the whole limb.

Drokn roared in pain, his eye whites red, his fists clenched. Needles stabs every inch of his left leg. Instinctively, he drew dark magic in a claw, glaring intensely at Eial and using every restraint he had not to attack.

However, soon the stabbing feeling lifted as the blood rushed through, a stark difference from before. As the pain calmed, the demon calmed, and the magic in his palm dissipated.

"It feels better now, doesn't it? That was to thank you for letting me lay on your leg," smiled the elf earnestly, but his glittering eyes showed more honesty of his mischievous intent.

"You imp!" yelled Drokn. "I know you could have helped another way!" Now that he was able to move, he immediately rushed over to Eial and grabbed him with his left arm. With his right hand, he ruffled the elf's hair as he had intended before, smirking lightly through the elf's joyous giggles.

As the playfulness eased, Eial rested his side against Drokn's chest and eased his head back, looking up at Drokn. After a moment of hesitancy, recalling events just before, recalling emotions, his bursting heartbeat, the deep fright— he finally brought out the question: "What happened?"

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