Chapter Twenty Five: The Beach House - Part 2

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Chapter twenty five.

Blair hadn't moved from her spot on the towel thirty minutes later. She was kind of in shock and not sure what just happened. Yes, she may have made some kind of disapproving noise when she saw Lacy and Cade all over each other but that didn't mean anything! Of course she could see how it may have made Dean feel after she confessed to their relationship. Blair frowned into her towel and groaned out loud, she was a bitch. Poor Dean came along on her messed up family holiday to spend time with her and she made him feel uncomfortable.

'Where's Dean?' Cade asked as he and Lacy joined her on the set of towels laid out in the sand.

'None of your business,' she snapped at him angrily.

'Woah,' he held up his hands. 'Chill out.'

'Trouble in paradise?' Lacy smirked.

'And it is definitely none of your damn business,' she snapped at Lacy.

'Hey where did Dean disappear to?' Hailey asked as she and Jacob joined the group on the towels to relax in the sun.

'He went back to the house,' Blair told her with a frown telling Hailey in her telepathic best friend way that she had fucked up.

'Oh,' Hailey mirrored her frown. 'Should we go back and see if he's ok?'

Blair shook her head, 'I think we should give him some space.'

'I'm heading back now anyway,' Lacy stood up collecting her things. 'I'll check on him.'

Cade started chuckling softly at her words.

'You're so immature,' Lacy rolled her eyes at him as she turned and headed off down the sandy beach track to the house.

Blair closed her eyes and tried to relax ,ignoring the pointed looks she was receiving from Hailey. She didn't really want to talk about why Dean stormed off the beach, or discuss in detail what she could do to make it up to him. She wanted to get a tan.

A little while later the boys decided to have another swim and Hailey convinced Blair to walk back to the house with her. The two friends set off side by side, Blair starting to feel a little sore on her shoulders and wondering how much damage she'd done with the sun today.

'So what happened?'

Blair sighed, 'Nothing really, Dean just got a little jealous over Cade.'

'Yeah well I'm not surprised,' Hailey rolled her eyes. 'I thought you guys were about to start having sex in the water earlier. You were hanging off him!'

Blair gasped, 'It wasn't that bad! We were mucking around, it was totally innocent.'

Even as she said the words out loud they didn't sound convincing. She had felt something out in the water with Cade and she was trying desperately to ignore it.

The girls arrived at the house and headed through the corridor both noticing that Dean's door was firmly shut with no sound coming from the inside. They headed on to their room opening the door to a shocking sight.

Lacy was perched on the edge of her bed crying. Not even crying, she was sobbing. Whole body wrenching sobs, with one hand over her mouth and the other clutching her mobile phone she looked devastated.

As much as the two girls hated Lacy, being in a room with anyone this sad was horrible and they felt immediately sorry for her.

'Lacy what's wrong? Did something happen?' Hailey asked trying to sound concerned but coming out more shocked than anything.

Lacy stopped crying and looked over at the girls still standing still in the doorway, her body was still shaking and she let out a few hiccups. 'Leave me alone.'

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