Chapter Thirteen: Winning the game

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Chapter thirteen

'I knew it! I absolutely knew it!'

Brady was practically vibrating with excitement.

Blair rolled her eyes again and didn't bother telling him to be quiet. It was pretty much no use he'd already spazzed out a few times and couldn't seem to get over it.

'You didn't know anything Brady, you were as oblivious as everyone else. In fact you thought I was seeing Jacob,' she pointed out dryly remembering their earlier conversations at one of the parties.

'Well...' Brady laughed. 'Ok fine, I didn't actually pick it at all. In fact I totally can't believe it.' He paused and shook his head in amused disbelief, 'I mean Blair you're the sweetest, most innocent girl I've ever met... And Cade is completely the opposite! He's a sexy European sports star who has every girl falling at his feet... He's not exactly your type.' 

Blair couldn't help the blush that took over her cheeks and she ducked her head in embarrassment, 'I know that, and I can't actually explain why I'm doing this at all. There's no rational explanation at all, I'm like a crazy person!'

Brady raised an eyebrow, 'I don't think hooking up with Cade qualifies you as a crazy person, in fact I'd say most people would love to be in your position.'

Blair sighed not sure how much detail to go into with Brady. She was hesitant to talk about it, but on the other hand she'd been dying to discuss her feelings with someone who could give her some advice. Usually Hailey would be all over any talk regarding boys, but that wasn't really an option for her.

'Ok I'll start from the beginning,' Blair said slowly trying to ignore Brady's look of absolute delight plastered across his face. She explained everything to him, sparing no details. She started with how they met and instantly clashed, they were constantly bickering and Blair had literally wanted to kill him.

'Yeah I really got that vibe from you two at Jacob's party a while ago,' Brady commented deep in thought. 'You hated him?'

Blair nodded, 'I did, but I don't know... It brought some weird tension and the next thing I know we were drunkenly kissing, well only Cade wasn't drunk because he doesn't drink at all.' She knew she was babbling now but she wanted to get the story out quickly. 'Anyway we kissed a few more times and then we...' She trailed off with wide eyes hoping Brady would understand without her having to say it out loud.

He didn't say anything.

'We eh...did it,' she said blushing again.

Brady grinned, 'No way, you lost it to Cade?'

'Yes, I know, how stupid of me!' Blair wailed. 'It wasn't only one time either, we've done it a few times now.'

Brady's grin widened, 'You mean you and Cade are friends with benefits?'

Blair nodded her head slowly, 'It seems that way yeah...'

'Well, well little B, you have to be the last person I expected to jump into this kind of arrangement.' Brady smiled, 'So how was it?'

Blair giggled, 'He's ridiculously hot...and he has some sort of hold over me.'

'No, the sex?' Brady prompted. 'Did you like it?'

Blair's face turned bright red and she nodded.

'So are you guys a couple?'

'No way. Our personalities clash ridiculously Brady, we can barely stand to be in the same room for ten minutes unless we're... well you know,' she laughed.

Brady grinned in delight, 'You little minx, you have no intention of an actual relationship with him, you're just using him for his body!'

Blair shrugged, 'Well I think that's what we're doing anyway. What do you think? Cade says he doesn't want anything, he still makes fun of me and we fight a lot. But then we end up kissing and doing more and it really confuses the hell out of me...'

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