Chapter Nineteen: Chinese Whispers

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Chapter nineteen. 

'Oh God!'

'Don't those words bring back memories.'

Blair dropped the handful of bath products from her grip in shock as she stared at the freshly showered body of Cade who had literally just stepped out of the shower. He only had a small white towel draped across his shoulders leaving everything on display in front of her.

'Oh God! What are you...' Blair's eyes widened and she made the mistake of looking down before averting her eyes.

'I was having a shower, and it seems you just can't get enough,' he smirked stepping forward his eyes lit up with mischief.

Blair raised both hands in surrender, 'No, no wait. I didn't know you were in here...' She stepped back so quickly she bumped into the door hard.

He chuckled, 'Sure, like you didn't hear the shower?'

Blair shook her head frantically, how could she have been so stupid? She hadn't heard the shower at all!

'Oh God, cover yourself up,' she whispered still in shock. It was something else to see this sight first thing in the morning.

Cade smiled and lowered the towel from his shoulder, wrapping it snugly around his waist. 'I'm actually kind of glad you're here.'

'You are?' She was dubious.

'Yes,' he took a few more steps coming face to face with her. 'You've been a little touchy lately, almost grumpy with me. I wanted to see what's up?'

'What's up with me?' Blair was trying to focus on his words but all she could see was the droplets of water on his neck running down.


She shook her head taking in what he was saying, 'Wait a second, who cares if I'm touchy Cade? You said so yourself we're not even friends. I don't have to be sunshine and flowers around you all the time.'

He raised an eyebrow in surprise, 'I didn't say that.'

'Well what are you saying then? You're crazy,' she rolled her eyes gaining momentum now. 'I'm getting sick of seeing one side of you in your bedroom when you're charming and sexy and seducing me...And then a totally other side everywhere else. At home, at school...'

'Wait a second,' he interrupted her frowning. 'Are you pissed about school? The whole thing with Lacy?' He swore under his breath, 'I knew that pissed you off. Girls.'

'Yeah I'm mad about it Cade, she's a horrible person to me and it pisses me off when she makes fun of me and you just laugh.'

Cade rolled his eyes in frustration, 'What do you want me to do? What she said was funny! A joke, no need to be so uptight.'

Blair saw red. She opened her mouth to yell at him but decided against it, being seven in the morning and all. Instead she turned on her heels and headed back out of the bathroom. She didn't need a shower anyways.

'Wait! Get back here,' she heard Cade call out as he followed her into the hallway.

She spun around conscious they were arguing in the hallway with Cade only wearing a towel around his waist. The situation screamed awkward.

'Not now,' she hissed at him trying to keep her voice low.

'No, I think this needs to be said,' he replied albeit keeping his voice low. 'You are jealous again! And you take it out on me when we have a specific outlined ...' He paused as though searching for the right word. 'Agreement, to have fun with this and not take it any further.'

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