Chapter Five - Sleeping with the enemy

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Chapter Five

Blair and Hailey were enthralled in what was happening before them.

'This is getting so intense, I feel like we're watching a horror movie – not TV,' Hailey whispered in hushed tones as they watched the television intently.

'I know,' Blair agreed. 'It's too intense, I mean I just don't trust anyone! Definitely not that cop!'

Suddenly the channel switched to one of sports and the girls looked around the room confused.

'Hey what the hell...' Blair grumbled, her frown deepening when she saw who was responsible. 'Cade,' she practically growled at him.

He responded with a roll of his eyes, 'You've got to be kidding me, I can't believe you watch that crap.'

'Hey Pretty Little Liars is a really good show,' Hailey argued, defending the new show they discovered one afternoon. The two best friends loved watching it every Monday and discussing the characters like they actually existed – they probably wouldn't admit it to anyone else they knew, but Cade hardly counted.

He chuckled at them, 'That's so lame. You're blood-related to me Hailey, you have the potential to be cool...'

They frowned at his joke not finding it particularly funny.

'Switch the channel back Cade,' Blair tried to sound forceful.

He dragged his gaze away from the TV to raise an eyebrow in Blair's direction, then he grinned. 'Nah I don't think I will.' He loved getting a rise out of her, he was surprised she still fell for it every time.

She sighed heavily, 'Seriously, get lost we were watching TV first.'

'Sorry Blair that's not really going to work, the European Cup is on right now so no bunch of liars are going to stop me watching it, no matter how pretty they are' he winked at her causing her to blush and look away.

Blair opened her mouth to continue arguing when Hailey stopped her, 'Whatever,' she told Cade. 'We can just watch the repeat in a few hours B,' she said trying to avoid another verbal fight between Blair and Cade. She seemed to have witnessed two of them since Blair moved back in and wasn't sure why they weren't gelling well. Hailey didn't really get along with Cade either, but he and Blair seemed to clash in a bad way. It was as though he enjoyed tormenting her, and Blair never seemed to give up when it came to fighting back.

Blair clamped her mouth shut and followed Hailey out of the room trying not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her mad. The girls decided to do some school work before dinner and try and take their minds of their annoying addition to the family. What was worse was Jane's absolute devotion to Cade. She adored him, thought the world of him. He could do no wrong in her eyes and that was beginning to piss Blair off big time.

'So I was talking to Brady today at school,' Hailey said as they worked at her desk. 'He mentioned Jacob has been talking about me to some of the guys at basketball.'

Blair's head shot up quickly, that didn't sound too good. Almost like Jacob had been bragging or dishing out on Hailey and him, but she smiled when she saw the dreamy look on Hailey's face. Hailey obviously meant talking about her in a good way.

'Oh yeah? What was he saying?' She teased lightly.

'Just stupid things like how I wasn't like other girls, and he was going to ask me out on Friday night at his party...'

Blair gasped excitedly, 'Did he? Hails that's awesome, he's such a good guy. You deserve it.'

Hailey grinned at her best friend, 'He is, isn't he.' Then she looked smiled slyly, 'You know he has heaps of good looking friends...'

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