Chapter Eight - Bedroom Chats

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Chapter Eight

'Bend your knees and keep your arms straight.'

Blair narrowed her eyes at Brady who was having way too much fun directing her at volleyball tryouts.

Cade, who was standing beside Brady laughed loudly and to Blair's annoyance hi-fived Brady.

'Just ignore them,' Hailey whispered, but she was still smiling.

The tryouts were nearly over, and to the girls displeasure Cade followed through on his threat to join the team. What seemed to become more apparent was Cade and Brady's growing friendship, even when the girls informed Brady of what a dickhead he was Brady dismissed them with a wave.

'Well if you could call these tryouts,' the coach began frowning at his clipboard. 'They're now over.'

Blair glanced around at the odd group of people that had bothered to turn up. There was Hailey and herself, Brady, Cade and a very much in love sporting type couple who spent most of the time making out in between spiking the ball.

'We have enough for a team, but we will need some subs,' Coach Ranger continued on. 'Go home tonight and ask some friends if they might be interested, otherwise you've all made the team.' He glanced up at the disjointed group frowning, 'Congratulations.'

Blair held in a smirk, that was a sarcastic congratulations if she ever heard one.

'Practice will be Tuesday afternoons at 4PM, games are on Thursdays after school. I'll expect you all out by the buses at 3:30PM on Thursdays... Any questions?'

Everyone kept silent, no one wanted to be here any longer than they had to.

'Fantastic, get lost,' he muttered before stalking off in the direction of the teachers lounge.

'Award for most unenthusiastic coach goes to...' Hailey trailed off as they started walking back to her car.

'Oh he's just having a bad day,' Brady dismissed her comment. 'He's usually a great coach, he just didn't want to take on another sporting team this semester, usually no one bothers to try out for volleyball.'

'Why are you trying out then?' Blair directed her question at Cade. There wasn't any obvious malice or intent in the question but it wasn't the most friendly either.

He had kept quiet pretty much the entire tryouts, but it didn't escape Blair how naturally talented he was at it. Ever since their last conversation in which she'd stormed out of his room insisting they stay away from each other, they'd barely spoken. Even in Hailey's house where she'd on occasion run into him in the hallway, or darting out from the bathroom at night. They'd exchange a brief flitting glance and move on. She didn't want to admit the small tug at the bottom of her stomach was still there whenever she saw him.

'Brady asked me to, we wouldn't have enough people otherwise,' Cade shrugged.

Blair turned to glare at Brady who was smiling smugly. Something didn't seem right there...

'I'm sure if I mention it to a few of the guys they'd be interested to come and play,' Brady continued ignoring Blair's looks.

'Most definitely,' Hailey agreed enthusiastically. 'I'm so glad we're doing this together, it's going to be the most fun last year ever.'

Blair opened her mouth to point out it was their only last year ever but the words died on her lips when she saw Cade smile and ruffle Hailey's hair affectionately while he rolled his eyes.

She waited until he and Brady had disappeared into the mens changing rooms before she asked Hailey, 'What the hell was that? Did you see Cade just ruffled your hair?'

Hailey smiled at her friend incredulously, 'I know! It was the weirdest thing, you know how he literally just avoids us in the house and only speaks to us when Mum is around?'

Blair nodded slowly.

'The other day I was watching TV and he came and joined me...then get this Blair. He made a joke and when I laughed, he said I reminded him a lot of his mother. He gave me a genuine smile then and he's been quite civil ever since.'

Blair was astounded at the news, Cade and Hailey getting on?

'I think maybe he's getting over his initial anger at moving here, and realizing it will be easier to make friends with us than enemies.'

Blair shook her head, 'Or he has some ulterior motive.'

Hailey frowned, 'I don't know Blair. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Something this week has him in a good mood anyway.'

The car ride home was awkward, for the first time Cade didn't literally shove his way into the front seat exiling Blair to the back. He even carried their gym bags inside the house.

Blair wasn't sure what he was playing at but she was determined to find out. It wasn't until she found him and Hailey laughing in the kitchen before dinner she snapped. When she saw him disappear into his room she followed him in quickly shutting the door firmly behind her.

Cade turned around in surprise, though when he realized who it was he fought hard to keep the smile off his face.

'What's going on? Why are you being so nice?' Blair demanded stalking over to where he was standing. 'You hated us a few days ago, what's changed?'

Cade was openly smiling now in amusement. 'What are you doing here Blair?' He asked softly. 'In my room...'

Blair could feel the small flush starting at the base of her neck, he made it sound dirty somehow.

'Just stop, whatever it is you're doing, ok?'

Cade leant against the wall eyeing her interestedly. He wasn't sure what she was talking about exactly but he'd play along. 'Why?'

'Because Hailey's actually starting to think you're a decent guy, and I don't want you to disappoint her,' Blair replied furiously.

'Maybe I am a decent guy, ever thought of that?'

Blair rolled her eyes, 'Nope never thought of that and never will.'

'You of all people Blair should know how nice I can be,' he shot her a grin.

She groaned frustrated, talking to him was like talking to a brick wall. The words just kept bouncing back at her.

'Look at you,' he said raking his eyes up and down her body making her squirm. 'You go on and on about how you never want me to talk to you, and you never want to hang out with me....Yet here we are again, alone in my bedroom... Sensing a pattern here Blair?'

Her cheeks were definitely red now.

'Get lost,' he said suddenly losing all interest in the situation. 'Get the hell out of my room.'

Blair sucked in a short breath in surprise, his voice had turned from silky and teasing to harsh in a matter of seconds.

'You're such a child sometimes,' he said as she turned and fled out of his room.


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