Chapter Nine: I'll have a martini stat.

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Chapter Nine

She was an idiot. What was she thinking storming into his room and expecting him to confess to playing with her? The notion was so ridiculous Blair was kicking herself for doing it.

You're such a child...

She wasn't going to lie. The words stung a bit.

Her anger flared up again as she collapsed onto Hailey's bed, where did he get off calling her a child? And as quickly as her anger flared it disappeared into the room. She was left slumped on the bed feeling sorry for herself again. So what if Hailey and Brady wanted to get to know Cade better. That didn't mean Blair had to join them.

She blushed momentarily realizing that out of all three of them she probably knew Cade the most intimately. Then cue the usual self deprecating thoughts about how she threw her virginity at him as soon as he gave her one of his stupid smirks.


Hailey's head popped in the doorway frowning at her best friend sprawled across her bed.

'You've been acting so weird lately chicken,' she spoke softly crossing the room and climbing into bed with Blair. Hailey tugged Blair into a huge bear hug and they lay there quietly for a few moments. 'Is there anything you want to talk about?'

Blair shook her head, there was no way she could talk to Hailey about the Cade situation. She contemplated lying to Hailey and telling her it was a random guy, but she just knew her friend wouldn't believe it.

'Alright honey, but you know I'm here for you, don't you?'

'Of course Hails,' Blair replied with a watery smile. 'I think I just need a girls night. Some movies, pizza, cocktails and no boy talk whatsoever.'

Hailey raised an eyebrow, it wasn't like Blair to be having boy troubles. In fact she wasn't sure Blair even knew any boys other than Brady to have troubles with. But she knew something was up and was determined to get to the bottom of it. 'Of course, we'll do it tomorrow night. Friday night sleepovers, remember we used to do them all the time before you moved in.'

That sounded perfect to Blair. Now she just needed to get through the next day at school without any run ins with a certain broody boy.


'Girls you're awfully giggly tonight, are you sure those are fruit mocktails?' Jane peered her head into the living room after a particularly loud set of laughter peeled out into the house.

The two girls had set up a huge mattress on the floor and ladened it with pillows and blankets using the coffee table to mix their drinks. They had all different types of juices and cordials, with the large bottle of vodka hidden under the table. They're pretty sure Jane wasn't aware but then again she wasn't stupid either.

Once Jane had disappeared out of their little den the talk turned back to the source of their amusement. A photo was posted on one of the basketballers facebooks of Lacy drenched head to toe in a brown slimy liquid.

'I want to give that guy a medal,' Blair nearly choked she was giggling so hard.

'Jacob was telling me it actually happened after their last game, apparently her and the other cheerleaders were...' Hailey trailed off awkwardly. 'Oops, sorry I didn't mean to mention Jacob, I know this is a boy free zone.'

Blair rolled her eyes, 'No it's fine you can talk about Jacob all you like Hails, honestly I don't mind.'

Hailey smiled, 'Oh goodie, because I need your advice. What outfit would you suggest for an event in which you were meeting the boyfriends parents?'

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