Chapter Six - The princess and the frog

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Chapter Six

The spoon clattering to the floor was the only sound ringing in Blair's ears.

'Are you okay?' Hailey eyed her friend warily. 'You look like you've seen a ghost.'

Blair ducked under the table quickly to avoid Cade's stare. As soon as he'd entered the kitchen that morning she'd flipped out, dropping her spoon and nearly knocking her cereal bowl off the counter. Way to be inconspicuous, she thought dryly.

'I'm fine,' she squeaked out before delving back into her cereal.

'That's gross,' Hailey wrinkled her nose gesturing at Blair's unwashed spoon.

'Your mother cleans the floors twice a day Hailey, it wouldn't be dirty,' Cade answered her before Blair had a chance to reply.

'I wasn't talking to you,' Hailey replied sweetly.

Blair chanced a look at him and he shot her a familiar grin.

 -His hands were making fast work of her jeans, unbuttoning them quickly while his mouth focused on her neck. Nipping and biting it, she couldn't stop the loud moan emitting from her mouth. He paused in his attack and shot her a grin.-

'Blair? Hello?' Hailey was waving her hand in front of her face repeatedly.

Blair snapped back to reality, memories of the previous night disappearing quickly.

'All morning you've been so weird, did something happen last night?'

'What? No!' She knew she needed to tone it down a little and she could hear Cade's amused chuckles from the kitchen but she didn't dare look at him. All she needed was one look and more vivid flashbacks enter her mind. It was as though she was consistently reliving it over and over.

'O-o-ok,' Hailey rolled her eyes and went back to her breakfast.

Meanwhile Blair was freaking out. What had she done? Gone and lost her bloody virginity to the guy she was pretty sure she hated. Who did that? And she wasn't even drunk, all excuses just flew out the window. What might be worse was she kind of...maybe definitely liked it. After the initial discomfort, she was so into it, so into him... it felt kind of good. Not as painful as she was expecting, Hailey had described it as much worse.

She snuck another glance over at him eating his cereal with his back against the counter looking out the window ignoring the two girls. She blushed at the idea of Cade seeing her naked, not only had he seen everything, but he'd pretty much kissed every part of her body. Her gaze moved to his hands... then along his arms...

- She lay there in her underwear, feeling the weight of his body against hers as they kissed. Her eyes jumped to his arms as he lifted himself off her and hovered above her, his muscles straining and rippling. Blair was sure she'd never been more turned on in her life.

She tried to pull him back on top of her but he held off, smiling wickedly down at her, teasing her. He flopped down beside her instead and pulled her on top of him, expertly untying her bra in a swift motion leaving Blair reeling. Next his mouth moved to her exposed breasts.... -

'Blair! Seriously, what is up with you?' Hailey demanded.

She groaned once she'd realized her mind had gone off on a tangent again. Absolutely anything was setting off her flashbacks. Looking at Cade's stupid arms sent her into a frenzy, she thought annoyed at herself.

'Nothing, come on let's go upstairs. I want to hear all about your night,' she said quickly trying to cover up for her stupid trance like state all morning. She needed to get away from Cade, and get her mind off last night. Because it simply couldn't happen again. She really didn't know what she was thinking.

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