Chapter Ten: I don't like you very much....

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Chapter Ten

The familiar pounding headache was present when Blair woke up on Saturday morning. She groaned loudly and turned over on her side into the fetal position, clutching her churning stomach.

'You look how I feel,' Hailey commented wryly sipping from a steaming mug in the bed beside her.

Blair was struggling hard. She was having the most odd flashbacks and memories from the previous night. When Hailey left the room to go and call Jacob, had Cade had come over and kissed her? She shook her head lightly trying to shake the image, surely that hadn't actually happened?

'You crashed pretty hard last night,' Hailey said to her smiling. 'As soon as I got back from calling Jake you were sprawled out across the mattress snoring.'

'I do not snore!' Blair exclaimed laughing despite herself. So maybe she had dreamt it. She was slightly annoyed with herself for starting to bloody dream about making out with Cade but it was better then it actually happening, wasn't it? The two girls got up and made their way into the spotless kitchen where Jane was making pancakes. The smell had wafted into the living room practically flying them into the kitchen.

'I hear pancakes are a good hangover cure.'

Blair and Hailey exchanged weary looks at Jane's welcoming words. Uh oh.

'Are they?' Hailey asked innocently. 'How do you know Mum?'

Jane just raised an eyebrow piling the pancakes onto two plates for the girls and setting them at the counter for them. The girls pretty much devoured them two minutes later which didn't really help their innocence with the whole hung-over debate. Jane wasn't born yesterday, she smelt the alcohol on them last night.

It wasn't until Cade entered the kitchen through the side door, dressed in a simple pair of black running shorts, some high tech looking shoes and nothing else - did some more flashbacks race through Blair's mind. He had his earphones in blasting music loud enough the whole kitchen was aware he liked a bit of punk – and he was sweating profusely, with the droplets down his back and chest.

Instead of being ridiculously grossed out, Blair was fighting hard not to find him attractive. He took his earphones out and poured himself a large glass of water drinking it down quickly.

'Did you go for a run?'

Jane, Hailey and Cade all turned to look at Blair slowly.

Cade chuckled and raised an eyebrow, 'Good detective skills.'

'Oh Blair, you do crack me up sometimes,' Jane was laughing despite herself.

Blair wasn't sure exactly what possessed her to state the bleeding obvious. She was just so distracted by his muscles... The entirety of the conversation now was fresh in her mind from the previous night. She hadn't dreamt anything, Cade did come up and kiss her last night. What the heck did that mean?

'What are your plans for the day sweetheart?' Jane asked Cade as he finished his second glass. 'I wish the girls here would be a bit like you and get some fresh air in the mornings.' She added pointedly.

Cade grinned, 'I'd be happy to take them on my route next time.'

The girls shot him death glares.

He laughed again, 'Actually I'm planning to study today. Unfortunately the different curriculum is messing with my head a little bit. I'm way behind in maths and English.'

Jane frowned and her eyes landed on an unsuspecting Blair. No, Blair thought wildly. She knew exactly what Jane was thinking.

'Well Blair here is the smartest girl you will ever meet,' Jane said nodding her head. 'Why don't you help Cade catch up with the school work. I've already had two of your teachers call me to tell me how well your doing. As though it might be a surprise to me.'

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