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"Are...are you sure?"

"Oh, I don't know. I've only known him for twenty odd years or so, so I can't be entirely sure," William remarked.

"Why are our parents all in the same picture with each other?"

"Hell, if I know. I knew Leo from my father; he and my father knew each other from their museum jobs."

"Did they only work for the museum?"

"My dad worked for the government from time to time. He never told me what he was doing for them, but he was a big deal in the archaeological world. Knew everything historical you just had to ask him the date, and he'd go on a rampage."

"Have I any reason to suspect you or Ares?"

His eyes made me feel like I had sprouted another head, "Are you kidding me, Greene? After all, we've been through, you're gonna question us like that?"

"That's all I can do right now is question. You can't give me an answer as to how all of our parents are in the same image together."

The same William Johnson I met in New York returned in his frustrated eye roll. "Hold on, let me turn on my God-like powers where I can be in all places at all times, and where I know all people and all things, and then I think I might be able to answer your question, but until then you're gonna have to give me a minute!"

"I don't know who to trust. I don't know who could use me and for what advantage. I need to know whose side you're on."

"I'm not answering that question."

"Why not?"

"Because it's a stupid question."

"Can't you see that that makes you look suspicious?"

"I don't give a good rat's ass if it makes me look like your number one enemy. My words should be enough. My actions. Friends trust each other. Do you think either one of us would want to kill you? Strangle you, maybe, but kill you?"

"How did the Brotherhood know that we were going to Egypt? How did they track us here? Come on; you have to be wondering the same thing."

He shook his head and walked over to the window, "Greene, I'm gonna repeat it if I were God, I'd give you the answer, but I'm not. Yes, it's plagued my mind, but I know that it's nobody that we know. How could it be? Why would your parents entrust you to their friends if they were out to get you? Why would Ares and Leo go out of their way to protect you and me if they were in the Brotherhood? Your friends, Elena, they're not a part of this fight. We can only suspect those we don't know."

"I know for a fact that it can't be Bert; he's not smart enough to pull off something like this."

"You only met him once; you couldn't know that for certain."

I rubbed my forehead, swaying on my feet.

"We don't have time for this, Greene. You're letting the stress of this get to you. We need you focused for the Pillars of Hercules; you need to be sober."

"And you think I'm not?"

"I think you need rest," he placed his hands on my shoulders awkwardly. 

It was pretty obvious he didn't know how to comfort a woman that he had no physical interest in. 

"I promise you'll feel better once you get some sleep and relax. Now can we please end this ridiculous conversation so I can go to bed?"

"You don't even care that your presumed dead father is alive?"

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