The Prophecy Fulfilled

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Ares stood hands in the air; he knew that he was defeated. He could not fight me without losing his life.

He backed up as Leo stomped in the middle of us. 

He never said that he gave up, but everyone watching knew who had won the brawl. 

I dropped the swords, none of us raced to fight back. 

The crowd silenced when they saw I refused to slay him. They were eerily silent.


Ruth ran, "Sir?"

"Remind her of why she's here."

She smiled sweetly towards me, "Oh, Rosalie." She reached out to touch me.

I shrunk back; her hands felt measly and disgusting against my skin. "What are you-"

"Shh. It's okay." She smoothed down my skirt, "You look like an absolute masterpiece. My little Aster."

I remembered that name. 

It was what John called me.

Memories came flooding back to me. Memories of a dark room and hunger, abuse, and torture when I was old enough to withstand it. Bright lights and lies whispered into my ear. They told me who I thought I was, who I thought my parents were. All of it was fake. I was not a daughter of archaeologists; that was their cover. I have never traveled the world.

I loved to write because it was what kept me sane in times where I had none. My knowledge was given to me by them. I wasn't Rosalie Greene, the top student in grammar school and university. I was a fake. I was nothing.

"You will remember when I say Aster," John commanded.

"Do what you need to," Ruth smirked, turning me to Leo.

I was under her control. 

There was something in my brain that clicked on. A part of my brain I had no idea existed moved me, decided my following actions. My soul turned to mush, and I could do nothing but obey.

I was the queen of Atlas. I would rule with Leo by my side.

"Protathilís." Leo held a red cushion in it sat a golden crown. Leo smiled down on me as if I was his daughter.

I grinned.

"Long may you reign with the grace and courage as our forefathers with your humble servants to guide and protect you."

I bowed my head and kneeled. I gritted my teeth to fight the pain from kneeling. 

He gently set the crown on my head, holding out his hand, facing me towards the stands, and lifting my hand. 

Dione was right; I was Protathilís, champion of Atlantis.


The blue holographic figures roared with thunderous applause. Yelling my name and screaming with glee, I felt like my ears would burst.

"Now, it is time for you to take your place. Guards!"

They ran to him, "Yes, sir."

"Take this filth." He turned his nose up at Ares, who was silent and unmoving. "He is no son of mine."

They grabbed him by his wrists and dragged him out of our sight.

"I've always wanted a daughter. You will bring great blessings upon the bloodline of Erebos."


They had lowered their weapons towards me. 

The Society of the Ethereal MedallionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora