Heights or Tails

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We waited at a table.

I ordered a small piece of chicken, sipping a cold glass of water. I fed small pieces of my meal to Daisy.

Her head kept turning whenever someone's chair scraped against the marble flooring or when a waiter came and refilled my water.

I watched our surroundings; this was the first time I'd been out in public since the attack. "You made sure to tell Mr. Jackson about your family emergency?"

My mind was racing; the levels of my worry rose with every minute that passed.

"Yes," William replied; his tone made him sound like I was a mother nagging her child. "Out of all things you could be worried about, you choose to be worried about if I made a proper escape from work?"

"Did you also tell him I was going to be gone as well? And you made sure to make it a good excuse, right?"

"I thought you could manage yourself," Ares chimed in.

"I told him you got into a car accident."


"Quiet, Greene," William hissed. "We're trying to blend in, not stand out."

I bit my fingernails anxiously; they were already shredded down to knubs. I barely had any nails left.

"Everything's taken care of Greene, just relax and take a breath."

My heart rate was picking up; my thumbs tapped steadily on the wooden table. "I don't know...I have a feeling."

"What do you feel?"

I felt eyes on me; I found a man at a table to my right with another male companion staring at me.

I held up a menu, "There are two men, two o'clock. Don't look, or they'll know."

"Damn it," Ares whispered. "What do we do?"

"Rosalie, you said your parents have a connection to a private pilot at this airport, right?"


It would guarantee us safety and privacy on the journey we had. I'm glad that I went with the jet instead of a regular airline as William had suggested. A broken clock is only right twice a day. This was his moment to shine.

"They don't know that. We all know where it's at, right?"

"West terminal. We'll split up and meet there. We just lose the guys, and we can get onto the plane with no problem," Ares joined in.

"How do you know that will work?" I asked.

My hope was beginning to wane. I mean, can one blame me after what happened when some unknown cult called the Brotherhood was trying to kill me?

"Simple. You and Ares stay together to lose one guy, and I'll go off by myself to lose the other one. We make it look like we're three old friends who saw each other at the airport and wanted to catch up."

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I hate you both, and they already know who we are."

"Trust me, we hate you too," William fakely chuckled. "If we hurry and lose them quickly, they won't have any time to react. Rosalie, laugh at something I said."

I laughed, putting my hand on William's arm, trying to make it sound believable.

"Don't touch me."

I pinched him, "I can do whatever I please."

He bit his lip, "They're looking restless over there."

"We best get going now," Ares extended his arm to me, enabling me to slip my arm into the crook of his.

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