Doctor Sexy

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Dean x Male Doctor Reader

Dean is a hunter who's reckless, obviously he's going to be in the hospital at some point.

"We've got another gunshot wound" Nurse Fran said coming into the room, Reader rolled his eyes and took a drink of his coffee.
"Another one? Let me guess, from the same family?" He asked grabbing his coat.

The nurse shook her head, "surprisingly no, his name is Dean Winchester? I swear I've heard that name somewhere before" she said shrugging it off.
Reader chuckled and poked her head as he walked out of the break room, "maybe you need to get your head checked" be joked.

She scoffed and followed him out the door, "says you, you forget almost everything Reader" she argued.
Reader chuckled and grabbed some paperwork off of the desk while walking by.

"Seems he's stable enough" Reader said checking the reports, Fran nodded and looked at her watch, "he's been in here for a little over 30 minutes, he seems fine to be honest, most he's done his complain about being here to his brother" she said shrugging.

"A lot of people do that" Reader chuckled, he sighed and handed Fran the clipboard before sanitizing his hands and knocking on the patients door.

When he heard a groan that somewhat sounded like "come in" he opened and door and smiled at the two bothers.
"I see your doing good Mr Winchester" he said coming fully in and looking at the light brown haired male.

Dean swollowed thickly, he nodded and looked away from the doctor, Reader chuckled and looked at his brother, "You must be Sam?" He asked, Sam nodded and stood up shaking hands with Reader.

"Alright Sam, well if you don't mind stepping out for second? I need to ask your brother some questions and I need to make sure the wound is healing nicely" Sam nodded and gave his brother a smile, Dean gave a small smile back and watched as Sam left and closed the door.

"Alright Dean, I'm going to lift up your hospital gown for a second alright?" Reader asked not wanting to make the man uncomfortable.
Dean chuckled nervously and nodded "gee Doc take me out for dinner first" he joked.

Reader laughed softly and uncovered Dean, looking at his wound on his leg, Dean gulped and looked away.
"Looks like it's already healing, you must have some tough skin Dean" he said pulling Deans gown back down.

"Fran can you go get some (insert medical stuff) for me please?" Reader asked going to the computer in the room to update how Dean was doing.
Fran nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"So Dean, with the way it's looking, you might be able to go home in a few days" he said looking over at Dean, Dean smiled and nodded "thank God" he muttered.
"Don't like hospitals huh?" Reader asked, Dean shook his head instantly.

"No offense but hospitals suck" Dean said with a laugh, Reader laughed softly and shrugged "none taken, I can understand why you feel that way" he said smiling.

Dean chuckled "oh and the hospital food!" He said gagging at the thought, Reader held his stomach and shook his head disgusted, "I would rather eat canned dog food then hospital food" he said laughing.

Dean laughed and looked at Reader, "Your a nice guy Dean, so how the hell did you get shot?" He asked, Dean sighed and shrugged "all in a day's work?" He said more of a question.

"I know a lie when I hear one Winchester, what happened?" He asked, Dean rolled his eyes "Im not lying" he muttered and looked away.

"Im all ears Dean, how did this happen?" Reader asked again, Dean looked back at him "I was hunting a vampire when she shot me" he said expecting Reader to have a look of disbelief and call him a lier again.

Reader hummed and nodded, he chuckled "You'd think she would have bitten you" he joked, "I mean she's a vampire" he laughed, Dean laughed a little.

"I'm back!" Fran said coming into the room, Reader nodded and grabbed the supplies from the nurse, she smiled and looked at her watch "oof I've gotta go give Marvin his meds" she said sighing sadly.

"Break time soon Fran, just remember that" Reader said making the nurse laugh a little, she nodded and left the room.

"Alright Dean, I'll buy you dinner later hum?" He said lifting up Deans gown again, Dean shivered at the cold "better make it a good one" he joked in a serious tone.

"Oh believe me, I'll buy you a good dinner alright, now suck in a breath handsome" Reader said going in to clean the wound.

Dean bit his lip and closed his eyes tightly.

Son a bitch that hurt.


"Dean hold on! You just got out and now you want to go on a date? With who!? Who did you meet at a hospital?!" Sam questioned looking at his brother.

Dean sighed and looked in the hotel mirror before turning around to Sam, "I've found a new Doctor Sexy" he said making Sam face palm.

†Supernatural x Male Reader Oneshots†Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant