I stayed in the motel didn't I?

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Destiel x Child Male Reader
Angst with Happy Ending
Personality: Confident

Reader is 14 and he goes on his first hunt with Dean and Sam, Castiel stays home with their other son Milo, who is 6.

Everything was going great, Reader had stayed in the motel, something he absolutely didn't want to do but his father's told him to, and trust me, you did not want to get into a fight with them about hunting.

Sam and Dean were so close on catching the camp who seemed to be terrorizing the whole town, and they were now afraid of the nest.

When Sam and Dean finished the hunt, Dean was more than happy to go back to the cheap motel and see his son, his happyness soon faded when he opened the motel door.


A couple days later, Reader woke up in a very bright room, he squinted his eyes and groaned softly looking around the room to see where he really was.

He smiled when he realized it was his bedroom at the bunker, he tried to move but soon groaned in pain, he tried to remember why he was in so much pain, his memories where fuzzy.

The bedroom door opened and in came Reader's little brother Milo, Milo didn't seem to have noticed that Reader was awake, he got into the chair next to Reader and sighed.

Only then did his eyes sparkle with realization, "Reader!" He yelled happily, giving his brother s huge hug, Reader couldn't help himself from gasping and weakly hugging him back.

"I-im gonna go get dad's!" Milo yelled and ran off out of the room, Reader chuckled a little hearing Milo yelling at Castiel and Dean to come and see Reader.

Soon enough both of his father's came into the room, looking panicked, Dean sighed in relief and went over to Readers side, "Hey bubby, how you feeling?" He asked softly, Castiel went by Deans side and smiled at Reader.

Reader nodded and tried to move again, he was stopped by Castiels firm hand on his arm, "Don't move around to much Reader" he said sternly, Reader nodded softly and stopped himself from moving.

"That's the last time I let you go hunting" Castiel kept his stern voice, Reader could tell both him and Dean were angry, he didn't know if it had to do with him or whatever the hell attacked him.

"D-dads look I'm really sorry," Reader said softly, starting to tear up, Dean sighed and rubbed his hair soothingly, "It's not your fault Reader" he said softly.

Reader looked at Castiel, hoping to hear the same thing, Castiel nodded and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead, "It's never your fault" he said softly, Reader smiled and nodded.

"Do you remember what happened??" Milo asked getting up into the bed, Dean gave him a stern look and Milo frowned a bit, Reader smiled and pulled his little brother into a hug.

"No I don't sorry Milo, when I remember you'll be the first to hear about though" Reader said happily, Milo smiled widely and nodded excitingly.

"You need to get some more rest." Castiel said softly, going around the bed and picking up Milo from beside Reader, Milo pouted and sat on his father's hip.

Reader sighed and nodded, "Yeah I don't think I'd mind that" he chuckled, Dean kissed his forehead and got up off of the chair, "And don't get up either" Castiel said, "don't think I won't know" he said hinting something to Dean, Dean blushed embarrassed by a memory of when he got hurt one time.

Dean shook his head and looked at Reader, "you heard em, you better stay in bed" he whispered the last part making Reader smile.

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