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: Gabriel x M!Reader
: Pretending that Gabe is still pretending to be that janitor :)

: lmao sorry for the wait lmao

Reader sighed in annoyance, turning the page of his book over to re-read the confusing information he needed for one of his classes. Oh to be a young adult and be in college, a stupid young adult that decided it was better to watch tv then study for a test that was only a few days away.

"I didn't know anyone was still here."

A voice came from behind Reader, making him flinch and turn his head to the sound. In came the short janitor by the name of Gabriel, one that a lot of students and teachers enjoyed the company of.
Reader sighed in relief that it wasn't one of his professors, or the campus police.

"God, Gabriel you scared me."

Reader turned back to his book and computer, shaking his head. Gabriel chuckled and walked over, hovering over the other mans shoulder.
Readers neck hairs stood up, feeling suddenly chilly as he stood there. For some reason it felt....strange.

"Sorry about that, Reader. I didn't mean to,"

Gabriels voice was filled with sarcasm, which was completely normal for him. You couldn't get one word out of him that didn't sound like a joke or a jab on the person who he was talking to. It felt nice having someone with humor, especially this late at night.

"Yeah right. What are you doing here so late? Didn't you finish a while ago?"

Reader thought back to earlier when he snuck in. There had been no one there, and he failed to hear any body cleaning for just walking around that wasn't the campus police. Maybe Gabriel came back for some reason? Who knows.

"Naw, i took a break for a while. Had some...friends i wanted to see."

Reader hummed and sighed, closing his book with aggression. He pushed it aside and slumped down on his chair, falling his head back on Gabriels chest. Gabriel smirked at him and put his forehead onto the others.

"Lucky, all my friends are sleeping."

Reader mumbled with jealousy, making the janitor laugh. Gabriel lifted his head off of Readers, standing up and stretching the tiredness away the best he could. Reader lifted up as well, turning to watch what the other man was doing out of boredom.

"Well, I'm free~ If you wanna grab a drink or two."

Gabriel winked, flashing his handsome smile towards Reader. Reader smiled a little and looked back to the desk, staring at the book for a moment before nodding and getting up all the way.

"You know i never say no to a drink, Gabe. Just–no funny business, alright?"

Reader pointed a warning finger at him. Gabriel nodded and allowed the human to go ahead of him, walking out of the library before dissappearing down the hall. Gabriel hummed and cleared his throat before following after him.

†Supernatural x Male Reader Oneshots†Where stories live. Discover now