Unlikely Hero

408 18 0

: Sam Winchester (Fluff?)
: Vampire! Y/n

Maybe it was because it had been so long since he'd been in this situation, that Sam was puzzled. He had fought so many things over the years that it was almost embarrassing to get held captive by a vampire of all things; don't get him wrong, they still had the upperhand in a lot of things, but for someone who had fought angels and actual gods, this was tame.

Thats what Sam thought he was hunting, thats why nothing he brought would be able to kill a vampire. Dean was at a hotel, researching on the God they thought they were hunting, and that's what Sam did not understand. Had it been so long that they assumed it was something else? Something uncommon with the same traits?

As the younger Winchester sat there with his hands bound behind his back, he stared up at the two vampires standing there with a disgusted look in their eyes. One of them had dark hair and looked more nervous, maybe it was his first time? And the other stood there with a more calm stance, no nervousness anywhere in her body.

"This is Sam Winchester?"

She asked, seeming unsure. Great, this again? Sam was starting to get annoyed with how many creatures wanted him and his brother. The dark haired vampire quickly nodded and looked from Sam to the women beside him. She looked unamused, then sighed.

"If you're sure, keep an eye on him alright?"

He nodded and watched as she left the room. As soon as she left, he seemed to gain more confidence, which would prove to be a bad thing. Sam watched as the male vampire whipped his head back around and looked into his soul, grinning slightly.

"Good to see you got your confidence back."

Sam muttered, annoyed. He hadn't found a way to get out yet, which was worrying. The chains used behind his back were made of iron, or something strong like that since every tug he gave on them, they got tighter and did not show any sign of breaking. These monsters were sure getting a lot smarter than the ones he and Dean used to hunt before.

"Oh yes, as long as Yasmin is gone, I have the floor."

That's it. It was a power dynamic, she must have been the head vampire of the family, the one who turned them all. By the looks of it, the power had gotten more to this vampire's head than his own mothers. Sam refused to entertain the idea, instead he was more focused on a way to get out, he just hoped for some reason this vampire currently eyeing him down would have the leave.

About an hour late, Sam got this wish. The door pushed open and there stood 'Yasmin' with another vampire, this one had h/c hair and stood broadly, more confident than his brother was, no doubt.

"Felix, come with me now. Y/n is here to take over while we go hunting."

'Felix' looked over with a worried look at Y/n, who walked past him and stood in front of Sam. The vampire who had been called scoffed and looked over at Sam for a moment before turning around and leaving with his mother. As the door closed, the vampire named Y/n sighed and let down his shoulders.

Sam stared at him in wonder on why he had suddenly changed his whole demeanor. Nothing was said as Y/n went around and to the back of Sam, he leaned down and grabbed something out of his pocket.

"Never understood the obsession with you Winchesters."

He muttered before Sam felt the chains around his arms start to loosen. They soon dropped to the ground making a loud sound. Sam quickly got off of the chair and rushed to the other side of the room, figuring this was some kind of tactic the vampire was playing.

Y/n chuckled before and crossed his arms. He had a more playful tone instead of an intense one that he had earlier.

"Calm down. Can't you see I let you go?"

"Yeah right, why?"

Sam glared at him, continuing to back away as the vampire got closer and closer. There was nothing around him to protect himself, he cursed himself for not seeing how 'simple' this case was supposed to be. These vampires obviously knew who he was, and what he would try, so that must have been the reason for the lack of tools in the room.

"Why? Because your Sam fucking Wincester. You and your brother are annoying to us, but God, without you, there would be no end."

No end? What did he mean by that? Y/n took Sam's silence as a sign to continue, even though Sam clearly looked confused and not too interested in what he had to say.

"I hate being a vampire man, most of us do. The power gets to your head, and this...women..."

Y/n hissed under his breath, seemingly getting angry at the pure thought of Yasmin. Sam now seemed a little interested, of course he knew that not every monster wanted to be that way, he and Dean fought plenty who let themselves be killed without much of a fight—but he didn't ever think that some monsters had hope in the fact that Sam and Dean Winchester were out there.

"This woman, she hates us all with a passion. She's one bad day away from killing all of us and starting over."

Y/n sighed.

"I can't just stand around and let the famous Sam Winchester die because she wants you to, what kind of a person would I be?"

Sam seemed bamboozled by this vampire's words. He really seemed to be sad, and hopeful that he was doing the right thing. It had been a long time since he found a vampire, or any monster for that matter, who actually sounded like a human.

"You would be a vampire."

Sam said, his words stabbing Y/n in the heart. The vampire nodded and laughed a little, grabbing something out of his pocket and throwing it at the ground, in Sam's direction. Sam looked down to see his gun, which wouldnt help against vampires, but it would buy him time, especially if they had all gone hunting.

"Just so you know, I have no intention of dying today."

Y/n said and made his way to the door beside Sam. Sam watched as he opened the door and looked back his way with a grin.

"Maybe i'll see you again? Then you won't have to kill me."

Sam narrowed his eyes. He wouldn't have to kill him? Oh, yeah, that's right. You kill the head vampire and the rest become human, if they become lucky enough. Y/n prayed to whoever god would have him that he would be able to become human again, even if he didnt, he wanted to be anything but a vampire.

As Sam stood with a look of confusion, watching Y/n leave the door open just so slightly so it didn't close and lock—he felt his heart make a small flutter in his chest. For some reason, Y/n had made an impression on the Winchester. It took Sam a minute to get over the confusion he was feeling because of how fast all of that happened, but also because his heart was starting to beat faster.

He wondered if he would ever meet Y/n again.

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