Down in the dumps

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: Sam Winchester

(I had no idea what else to name this here you go. This is set after when Dean passes away for good in the last episode. Instead of a wife, Sam has a husband...which is Y/n :D)

Sam sat on the porch chair watching his son and his sons friend playing around with some rocket toy. He smiled at them and sighed as he sat back on the semi hard seat. He heard the front door open softly next to him and put came his husband, Y/n.

If Dean could see him now, married to a man. Not that Dean would hate the idea, but the thought never crossed his mind that his little Sammy would be interested in men the same as women. Y/n was kind and honest while also being strict and stern with more difficult things. Dean would have loved him.

"Aren't you hot?" Y/n muttered wiping his forehead. The summer heat was getting to him and making him sweat more than he would like to. Sam chuckled and shrugged not bothered by it as much as his husband.

Y/n hummed and took a seat next to Sam, looking forward to the kids as well. Soon Y/n felt a pinch of sadness taint the air, he looked over to Sam who sat there watching the children with a saddened smile.

"Whats the matter?" Y/n asked softly, putting a gentle hand on the tall mans knee. Sam sighed and put his hand on the others, holding it gently. "Its Deans birthday today..." he muttered, holding back a sob. Y/n frowned and held Sams hand tighter. " sorry."

"Its alright, Dean hated celebrating his birthday anyway..." Sam laughed a little at the thought of his brother throwing temper tantrums anytime it was mentioned, other than a few times. Y/n smiled a little, unsure of what else to do.

"I just miss him, thats all." Sam mumbled, now looking at his husband. Y/n nodded and looked into Sams eyes, giving him the most gentle and compassionate look he could. He lifted his hand and put it on Sams cheek. "I know..." Sam leaned in allowing the other man to give him a gentle kiss.

In the background they heard a round of "Ewww"s coming from little Dean and his friend. The two of them looked away and held their hands up as if to sheild themselves from the sight. Sam laughed at that while Y/n looked at them with an unamused look. "Oh be quiet!" He teased them.

Even if today was a sad day, Sam couldn't help but feel a little joy. Y/n always knew how to take the pain away, even if he did nothing at all.

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