Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-
Carolina's POV:

I had spent most of today with Jaxson in his office, only leaving to eat or take a small break. I could feel our bond grow the more time we spent together. 

He definitely knows how to make me feel safe and cared for. 

But the whole idea of having a mate and doing mate type things is still so weird to me. 

"Carolina?" I hear Jaxson call my name. "You looked like you were spacing out there, a little bit." He told me.  "Sorry, I was just thinking." I said with a little bit of embarrassment written on my face. 

"Anything you want to share?" He asked giving me his full attention. 

We were still in his office, of course, this man could work forever and never get bored. He had been typing out a report on these two pack members getting into a fight, both teenage boys, of course. It seemed serious because one got ready hurt, and he was focusing on it but now seemed to have forgotten about it. 

I realize now that I am getting more and more comfortable with this new attention. 

"Um." I said realizing I was spacing out again. "I was just thinking about...... us, I guess." I said trying to not sound like a stupid girl. 

"And what about us were you thinking about?" He asked tilting his head to the side, with a player smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks go red, but i'm not sure why, and my heart rate picked up.

"Just that you have been really kind and patient with me. Teaching me new things, and taking care of me. No one has ever treated me like this and I feel a little bad for not being able to do everything mates should do. I'm just a little girl." I said putting the information out there and hiding my face in my hands. I hated I couldn't be normal.

  "Hey, hey, Carolina, look at me." He said moving out of his chair and kneeling in front of me lightly pulling my hands away. I let them release my face and with tear filled eyes looked at Jaxson, who had worry filling his. 

"It's ok to be nervous and not ready to go that far. I would never want to put you in that situation. I only want to make you happy, I don't need anything else but you." He told me cupping his hand around me cheek. 

"But, I am making you wait so long, and its not fair to you." I said, my voice faltering a bit.  

He sighed before saying "Carolina, I have been waiting for you for 22 years, almost 23. Sense I was little I wanted and waited for you. A little bit longer will not hurt me or make me love you less." Love? "You are perfect in every way to me. And spending days like this together is all I need from you. I need to see your smiling face and tear-less eyes."

I felt warmth fill my chest and I looked into his sincere face. He caressed my cheek with his warm hand and all my worries of not being enough washed away, for at least that moment. 

I leaned forward a bit lightly pecking his lips before he could move and then pulled back. I can do that, light kisses aren't to out there. But the smile on his face said it meant the world to him. 

I bite a little onto my lower lip hoping I did that right. 

He let out a little chuckle before removing his hand off my face and moving back to his seat, the smile never leaving his face, and never looking away from me. "Sorry if I shocked you." I whispered, extremely embarrassed now. 

"You did for sure shock me but I don't mind." He said with a happy tone. "I do not mind at all." He turned back to his computer finishing up that file.

Jaxson's POV:

She kissed me, she actually kissed me. I wasn't sure what she was trying to do at first when she started leaning in, because the idea of her kissing me seemed so impossible. 

Not only cause of her shy nature but because I have waiting for this moment for years. 

Now it wasn't steamy or long, but that's fine. That kiss basically shows her level of comfort she is at right now. I didn't want to try and push anything more today, cause I didn't want to push her even more out of her comfort zone then she already is. 

I didn't know she was thinking about that stuff, and the fact that a lot of mates get mated quickly. I should have thought of that but I didn't. She shocked me when she fessed up about being worried about that. But I think she understands now a little bit more. 

I will always love her. 

Author's Notes:

Sorry its a really short one, just a cute filler chapter. Things will start to pick up soon, i promise. 

Bye, bye crazy people 


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