Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-
Carolina's POV:

It was the morning and again I woke up alone, and found Jaxson in his office working. I sat with him a little bit but he barely said anything to me, so I just decided I would try the go through this castle on a house and figure my way around. 

I was opening random doors and most of them were just bedrooms. But one room caught my attention. It was a room filled with book cases for walls, and had podiums with items on them. I saw the crown I wore the introduction day and Jaxson's crown. 

I guess this is were all the important stuff is kept. 

I walk farther into the room and saw some strange items, like the feather pen and a crystal necklace. Nothing had a label on it so I just let my mind wonder to the possible stories these items could hold. 

That was till a voice rung out saying "These are artifacts from the first King and Queen." 

It was Jaxson, he was leaning against the doorway. He looked like he had been there for a little while, just watching me. 

"Oh." Was all I said as I walked more around the room. There were some letters and one was open. It read:

To my dearest love, 

I am sorry for my absents this morning,

A problem in the south quadrant has arise and needed my attention. 

I wish I could have woken up with you but now I am filled with excitement to see you and hear your voice as I am away. 

Thinking of you always. 

Your love

Ps: If you wish to join me just let my father know, but I wish for you to stay home and relax for the little one. 

A smile reach my face as I read the letter the first king must have left this for his mate one morning when he had to leave her. And he let her decide if she would stay or leave. 

A part of me wonders what she choice to do. 

I didn't realize Jaxson had made his way behind me and was reading the letter as well, till he set his head down on my shoulder with a sigh. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone these past few mornings. I wish I could continue to blame it on my work load but I think that excuses is getting old."

I didn't respond to him, but it was true. 

"Are you upset with me?" He asked. 

Was I upset? Is this something I should be upset about? 

"I don't know. I'm not happy, but who could be without their mate." I said truthfully. "I don't wanna make you stay with me if you wish to go to your office and work but I also don't want feel this way." 

"What way?" He asked. 

"Ignored." I said looking down. His eyes were filled with guilt as he looked down at me. "I'm sorry" I quickly said, thinking that I sounded like a child. 

"There is nothing for you to be sorry about Carolina. You are right. I have been distant from you, but I never meant to make you feel ignored." He said. 

"Why? Why have you distanced yourself from me?" I asked worried. 

"I'm afraid that if I get to close and focus my time on you I will be caught off guard by another attack. And I can't go through the pain of losing you." He said holding my face to his now. 

He was looking my in my eyes making the emotion in his voice hit me even harder. 

I was about to give in and say it was alright when an alarm went off. 

Jaxson's POV:

I was in this situation again. 

I wasn't prepared for an attack cause I was to distracted by what I was doing to me and Carolina's relationship. I was to worried about if I was doing the right thing by doing this alone that I wasn't prepared for the obvious. 

I need to throw these thoughts out right now and go and protect what is ours. 

I ran out of the room with Carolina close behind me. She was frightened of course and I could hear her fast heart beat. 

We ran to the pack house to see Tyler and Zack instructing some warriors where to go. 

I instantly jumped in and started listening to what the guards were saying they saw. 

"A big group of rouges, maybe 50 were heading this way on the south boarder." He said frantically. "It's ok, breath for a second." I was surprised to hear Carolina's voice, calming the young guard. 

"Could you describe the leader to me?" I asked.

"They were all in wolf form, I think he was the one with brown fur but that's the only thing I could tell you, I just ran to set the alarm off as fast as possible. It all was so quick and blurry." He tells us. 

"That's ok, you did good." I told him moving him to sit down. 

I moved to Tyler and lightly pull Carolina with me. 

"Make sure all the other guards are alert and stay in there sections, I don't want to be blind sided during this fight. Send about 70 warriors, if there are about 50 rouges I want to out number them. We will go as well to help." I told them and they nodded. 

"Carolina," I called for her making her look at me. "I need you to do what you did for that Guard ok. I need you to be here for our people and keep them here and calm. Ok?" I asked, giving her orders. 

She nodded before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Be safe please." She whispered to me. 

"I promise. It will be fine, we have been through much worst. We just can't let this escalate." I told her. 

"Jaxson! We gotta go." Zack yelled for me. 

"Be the great Luna you are and be here for them, ok." I told her moving back from her hold. She nodded firmly, making my worry for our people lessen. 

I took a deep breath before running out the door.

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