Chapter 30

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Chapter 30-
Jaxson's POV:

Today is the day of the ceremony that Carolina has worked so hard on. But I have an uneasy feeling and from the way Carolina is barely touching her lunch I can tell she feels it too.

"If anything happens tonight make sure you are always with me, Tyler, or Zack and you have Kathrine with you." I finally said. This has been bugging me all day.

I know my fear is the Noah is going to come in and attack while we celebrate but I don't see how he could know my packs affairs like this. 

"You feel it too? This strange feeling that something is going to go wrong?" Carolina shocked me as she asked. "Yeah, but it might just be a over reaction. But either way I wanna prepare for the worst but believe in the best." I told her moving in front of her.

She looked up to me with a faint smile nodding her head agreeing.

"Kathrine and Mrs. Reece are beginning to get ready, they should be ready on time if you would like to move into the ballroom Alpha King and Luna Queen." One of the male wolves acting as a guide for the day informed us.

"Thank you, that would be a good idea." Carolina said moving ahead of me to walk into the ballroom. She probably wanted to get one last look over everything before people start arriving.

"You remember everything you have to say and do?" I asked her. I know she is focused on make everything look nice but she also has to remember her duties.

"Yes, I repeat the questions you ask to Reece to Kathrine and then hand you the water to pour down their heads. The fabric should react to the water shifting colors to a off gold." She told me confidently making me relax.

I bent down lightly kissing her cheek before moving right in front of her face "Perfect, you are amazing." She moved and hugged herself onto me.

Carolina's POV:

I am really excited about this ceremony, it's the first one I will be conducting as the new Luna Queen. Which is really nerve wrecking as well.

I have double, no triple checked everything now. The food, the decorations, even the flowers. All where they need to be. I have also enlisted some of the help of some of the pack members to serve food.

It will all go perfectly.

At least I hope-

Author's Note:
Just a small chapter so I can share the fact that this story will be wrapping up soon and after that I will be taking a small break to focus on schooling for a few months. I will likely return during the beginning months of 2023. But I promise I will continue writing!

Thank you all you crazy people for reading, voting, and commenting on my stories.

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