Chapter 28

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Chapter 28-
Carolina's POV:

Nerves were building up inside of me as I stood in front of the brown door of this brick house. I take what feels like my first breath since I got here and knocked on the door.

It opened slowly and a face peaked around and looked at me. "Carol- I mean Luna Queen, it's such a honor for us that you are here." Reece said opening the door all the way and bowing.

"Um. Thank you, I wanted to talk with you and Kathrine about the planning for the ceremony." I said wanting her to stand back up. "Of course Luna Queen." She said doing the motions of a bow again before finally standing straight and moving to let me in.

I walked into the small house and as I looked around I saw Kathrine sitting on the couch in the living room. She didn't have the same air around her as she used to. Even though she was cruel to me there was always a confident air around herself.

She was a mean but not because she had insecurities in herself, she loved herself.

But know as I look at her, the bags under her eyes, the pale color of her skin, she is nothing like how she used to be. And their only one person to blame.

But I also know that their is ways to make things better for her. First making this ceremony perfect for her and her mother.

"Hello Kathrine." I smiled and sat on the other edge of the couch, giving her the space she needed.

"Hello, Luna Queen." She said bowing her head a little. Even her voice was ruff and I could still see some bruising around her neck still healing. "How are you both liking it here?" I ask them both as Reece moved to stand behind the couch where Kathrine was sitting.

"I believe it is the perfect thing for us. I have traveled in to town only a few time while we have been here but everyone has been very kind. Even though we haven't been introduced to the pack yet." She told me making me happy I have such a kind pack.

"That's amazing to hear. I just wanted to ask for a few of your opinions. on the ceremony and maybe even clear up some uncertainty." I said trying to move past this anxiety in me.

"My only uncertainty is why you are letting us anywhere near your pack. It's because of us, because of me you had such bad treatment back in our old pack. How could you even be in the same room as me?" Kathrine spoke for the first time.

"Kathrine-" Her mom started to scold her, but I held my hand up to stop her.

Its obvious to me that Kathrine is dealing with a lot and it seems she is trying to bottle it all up and just be silently screaming for help in the background.

It reminds me a lot of me, and how I was. I never complained, never disobeyed, and never tried to talk about my pain to anyone. That was till Jaxson. And even though she is partially the cause of my pain it was not all just her, not just Noah, or a single person in the pack.

I could never blame just one person for what happened, nor would I want any of them to go through it.

"Kathrine." I called her lightly to make her look at me. "I don't hate you, and I don't believe it was your fault. And I know that now you understand what you did was wrong and have grown and I see that. As long as you continue to grow to become a better person, and grow from what Noah is then I really believe we can be friends." I told her with a smile.

She and Reece stared at me shocked. "Both of you deserve a second chance, one that I plan to give you. As long as you accept it." I told them.

"Thank you Luna Queen." Kathrine finally said bowing her head. I could hear her start sniffling as tears trailed down her face. "Thank you." She stuttered out again starting to cry even harder.

I slowly moved her into a hug and held her till she calmed. I see in the corner of my eyes even Reece is tearing up as she watches her daughter unfold. She mouths a thank you to me as she notices my gaze. I nod my head back and continue to comfort Kathrine.

Jaxson's POV:

I was a little nervous to let Carolina go on her own but when she returns with a more freed look on her face I am very happy I swallowed my anxiety and let her go.

She had walked right into my office, where I was sitting doing some work, and sat in front of me told me about all that happened and what they decided on.

The part that of course stuck out to was when Carolina said that she was able to break through some of Kathrine's wall she had built from her experience with her father. I was really proud by the way she handled everything, the way she talked and figured everything out I just knew she would be a "Great Luna Queen."

"What did you say Jaxson?" She ask making me realize I had spoken out loud a bit. "I was just saying that you are an amazing Luna Queen." I told her smiling at her. She glowed at the complement and sat forward ready to take on the next part of her work today with me.

Which was of course.

Finding Noah.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the slow update but the next few should be soon after this as we get closer and closer to the sad but sweet ending.

I hope you are all excited!

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