Chapter 21

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Chapter 21-
Jaxson's POV:

I reached the pack house for the meeting with the boarder guards and the guards at the prison to see if we can piece together some information we have gathered from the captured Rouges. For some reason the whole time I was really anxious, King was pacing around and I just couldn't focus. 

It had been maybe a hour when one of the guards got a phone call. His face fell and eyes widened as he looked at me. 

He handed the phone to me. "Hello?" I asked "What might the problem be." 

"The guards at a part of the south boarder where knocked out and the Luna Queen's scent is all over the place." A female guard told me. "What!" I shouted dropping the phone and running back to the house. 

I swung the door open and shouted "Carolina!" I ran all over the house shouting till I decided she wasn't in here. I ran back down stairs and into my office about to make a call when I see a piece of paper on my desk. 


After everything that has happened I have decided that this isn't the life for me. I thought we could make this work and be happy together but with these attacks and everything going on you have just put distance between us. I can't try and make this work if I never see you. 

I'm sorry I couldn't be the strong Luna Queen you wanted. Please just leave me alone and don't come find me. 

I dropped to the floor not knowing what to do anymore. 

She left. I wasn't enough for my mate to stay, I ruined it. Carolina was the Luna Queen I needed and I made her leave. 

Rage was all I felt as I trashed the room that caused me this pain. 

Carolina's POV:

Tear's poured out of my eyes as I watched the camera the was in the hallway looking at the front door. I watched Jaxson run into the house and had to listen to him run shouting my name. I had to  hear Jaxson yell of pain after he read my note and him breaking down, throwing everything, breaking anything.

But now I know where he was watching me from and I know I got away with it and Jaxson's pain won't last forever. 

He just needs to look at the one camera he put into the house in his office which is also the only room in the house with no windows, so no one else could look in and see what I was doing. 

This of course doesn't stop the pain I feel as I listen to this.      

"What a pathetic King he is." Noah said as he stood beside me. 

I was tied to a chair with a cloth wrapped around my mouth and sweat dripping from my forehead cause of how hot this room was. It the pitch dark besides the tv infront of me barely lighting up a small portion of this room, but I keep hearing little sounds of critters crawling around. 

I didn't make a noise already learning the consequences of that. 

When I was first dragged in here I was screaming hoping for maybe a near by wolf to help me but Noah was quick to punch me across the face to silence me, screaming at me to shut up. 

"It's really is sad." Noah said moving to lean against the tv and watching closer. "Before I would have listen to what ever order he gave me, but now that I know he is mated to you, a worthless Omega. He is probably just as weak as you." 

I am not a Omega, I repeated in my head over and over again. I am a normal wolf that just needs training, just like Jaxson said. 

Noah walks up to me and I don't cower away from him, not anymore. 

"Oh, Missy here thinks she is brave know that she is a Luna Queen. No matter what your title is you are worthless and incapable of leading us." He said angry, and standing right in front of my face. 

I don't react I just look him in the eyes. 

I am of course afraid of what will happen to me. Not being afraid is not bravery its stupidity, but I won't, I can't let him see he is getting to me. He has got the pleasure for the past 18 years and  I won't let him have it for even one more day. 

He pulls back seeing I am giving him no reactions and walks away. 

I look back at the tv, hearing a boor open and slam close behind me. I see Jaxson now moving around in the hallway knocking things over, ripping pictures off the walls, shouting up to the ceiling. 

But he stops in the middle of the hallway and falls to the ground. I lean forward wishing I could just reach my hand to touch him but its no use. 

He falls to his knees facing away from the camera to the door, looking up to the roof still, hands hanging limp at his sides. There is blood dripping down them from punch the walls and furniture.    

There is no way to describe the relief that Jaxson was facing away from the camera and the pain of listening to my strong Alpha King mate break down and shout my name in pain. If he had faced the camera I would have broken down to. 

He just needs to look at the camera's and knowing him, once he calms down he will see the strangeness of me leaving and see what I was doing in the last few minutes I was there and placing the note in his office. 

Please Jaxson. Just stay strong for me. Please. 

You are the way I am going to get out of this, please. 

Find my second note. 

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