Chapter 20

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Chapter 20-
Jaxson's POV:

What was I doing, I think to myself. Why am I doing this to us.

All she wanted was me to lay down with her, and now because I fear what will happen next, and feel this need to protect her at any cost I am losing her.

But who ever is doing this is acting fast and they will make there next move soon. Its like a game to them now.

Making us aware that something was going to happen and the attacking barely a week later, in a strange place with strange rouges. What next?

What's their next move.

After maybe 40 minutes of thinking, after Carolina had left my office I decided to go upstairs and go to bed. I'm not making any progress.

I wasn't surprised Carolina was all ready asleep, but when I went to move some hair out of her face her cheeks were wet. I moved my hand to feel her cheek and as I thought, she had been crying. Because of me. Because of what I did and didn't do.

I decide right then that I would stay with her tomorrow morning and try to make up for this.

But how can I when the thought of another attack on the pack and on her could happen at any moment.

I tried not to think about it as I prepared myself for bed.

I laid down next to her and move her against me. She felt warm and her soft breaths lullabied me to sleep.

Carolina's POV:

When I woke up I felt the warmth of Jaxson. I thought at first that I had just woken up before him but I soon realized he was awake. He was drawing circles and patterns on my back.

I stirred a little, stretching out my arms and legs. I slowly lifted my head up and looked at Jaxson's. "You don't have work?" I asked a little hopeful.

"Well, no and yes. I have stuff that I could be doing, but I wanted to stay with you for a little. I am really sorry about last night, it was stupid." He told me.

I didn't respond really, I just moved closer to him. I don't wanna complain and make him leave so I will just hold onto him for now.

It of course couldn't last forever, eventually Jaxson's phone started ringing and he was being called into a meeting. I was about to ask if I could come but I already knew the answer. He doesn't want me apart of this and even though he promised he would let me help if it became to much, I don't think he would.

He got ready and before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek telling me goodbye and that he would try to come back soon. I just nodded and watched him walk out of the room. Taking a deep sigh I started thinking about what I was going to do now.

I got ready and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see if there was any food. But on the counter there was something I hadn't seen there before.

I was a letter addressed to me infront of a box.

I grabbed the letter naturally thinking it was something from Jaxson's.

Hello fake Luna Queen.

In this box is a phone, I want you to hold onto it and await for a call. If you do not answer I will give the signal to the captured and freed Rouges to attack. Two attacks from inside and outside would cause a big problem for your already stressed Alpha King.

You wouldn't wanna do that.

So, make sure you answer this phone when I call.

I was shocked. So the Rouges were getting captured on purpose. I need to tell Jaxson and show him this. I quickly grabbed the box and took the phone out and started running to the door.

But as I grabbed for it the phone started ringing. I froze, I have to answer it.

With shaking hands I hit the answer button and said "Hello?"

"Where were you running off to?" A distorted voice asked me. "Hopefully you weren't about to open that big mouth of yours to your pathetic Alpha King." The voice sounded male, but I couldn't tell. Who every it is, they were mad.

"You have a tenancy to say to much don't you?" The voice said. "Do you have something against me?" I asked confused. The way he was talking sounded like he knew me.

"Oh yes, I know you. You are the reason my life is ruined. And now i'm going to ruin yours." I knew who this was know. It couldn't be anybody else. Alpha Noah.

"Now, you are going to listen to me closely." He said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You are going to write a note to the Mate of yours that you have left and you don't want him coming after you. Take a picture of it, front and back, and send it to me. After that run towards the southern boarder. I will be watching and if you do anything suspicious I will signal the attack."

What am I supposed to do?

"Ok." Was all I said and he instantly hung up the phone. Think Carolina.

You know this is Alpha Noah and that he is watching you. Better start moving to write this letter.

As I walked into the living room, slowly and a little staggered, tears started pouring out of my eyes. Think Carolina! How do you get out of this.

There are no cameras in the basically the whole house that could see me. I can't call Jaxson with out looking suspicious. I can't hide a message on the note if I have to send a picture of the front and back of the paper. Where is he watching me at even. Does he think I am being suspicious right now. Has he given off the signal?

Wait, I know what to do. I can still get out of this and tell Jaxson where i'm going.

Author's Note:

Thanks so much for the 1k views! <3

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