Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-
Jaxson's POV:

What am I going to do. How could she leave me. How am I going to tell the pack, the wolves, their Queen has left cause I was stupid and pushed her away. 

Because of me. 

She is gone. 

How am I to live, without her. 

These were the thoughts running through my head as I knelt in the middle of the hallway, after tearing up the office and somethings in the hallway. I was filled with anger at first but once everything hit me, that she was really gone. All I could do was cry. 

She was perfect, and I thought she knew that. I thought after everything she wanted to be the Luna Queen, but I guess not. 

I sat and let my self hatred run wild. 

I didn't do anything till there was a knock at the door. I slowly rised up and open the door to see Tyler and Zack. 

"What's happen here? Where's Carolina?" Zack asked worried. Angry boiled in me as the thoughts came back to me again. 

I just opened the door and let them in. They followed behind me and walked into my very trashed office. I grabbed the note and just handed it to them. 

They each read it but didn't seem to know what to say about it. 

"This-this isn't possible." Tyler said moving in front of me. "There has to be something else going on Jaxson, this isn't Carolina." Zack added. 

"Well, what do you want me to do then. Cause right now my mate just left me." I snapped at them ready to just break everything again. 

"Jaxson, dude. Relax. Let's do some research maybe check the camera and see what was going on when she put the note in here." Tyler said. 

And that's how I ended up being pulled by Tyler and Zack up the stairs into the camera room where the security camera's film outside the house and the one in the house were kept, and we can also look at any other camera here too. 

We sat and skipped through a lot of footage of a empty office till she walked in and once she did we backed it up a little and hit play, with sound on high. 

I could hear her rush into the office and when she walked in she was moving weird. She closed the door behind her like she was afraid to be watched and she looked around the room to see the camera and looked straight at it. 

"I told you something strange was going on." Tyler said noticing the strange behavior too. 

I leaned forward worried now what had happen. "Jaxson?" Zack said pausing the video and pointing  to her hand "Did you get Carolina a phone?" 

She was holding a older looking phone that was black and he was right, I haven't gotten her a phone yet cause I wanted her to pick it out. 

"No, so how did she get that?" I said confused leaning forward and continuing the video before sitting back in my chair again. 

She moved to my desk opening a few drawers before finding a pen. As she wrote out the first note tears fell from her eyes, I hated every moment watching this just as sure as I am that she hated writing that. 

With shaking hands she folded the letter and put it on my desk where I found it. But then she started writing something else which made us pay close attention. 

After finishing she held it up to the camera with shaking hands showing it to us. She moved my chair and stood to put it on the top shelf with the phone, but before she placed it she placed a kiss onto it. And right after she looked straight in to the camera and said "Please find me." quitly and quickly moved the chair back and ran out of the room. 

There was apart of me the was happy, happy that she wanted me to find her, to save her. Another part was raging at myself for not thinking about check this sooner, why else would she place the note in my office of all places. And another was ready to kill. Who ever was taking her away from me. 

I stood up not needing to see anything else, ready to started running down the stairs and into the office till Tyler stopped me. 

"Jaxson. Dude think for a second, why would she do this in this way. In you office the only room with a camera. Why not do this in the living room and write a note that says what is going on?" He asked. 

I took me a second before I realized "She was being watched." 

"Yeah. So once we leave this room. Act like nothing has changed. Till we are in the office cause that seems to be the safe space." I nodded agreeing. 

We stormed down the stairs me acting mad and outraged and the two of them trying to talk sense in me like we didn't learn anything. 

Once we were in the room and Zack had shut the door I quickly moved to the place she had shown us in the camera. And there it was the second note and mystery phone. 

"I'm going to read the note first." I told them as I moved to the middle of the room and slowly opened, slightly fearing what was going to be inside it. There was another piece of paper followed with the other. I take a deep breath before starting. 

"I'm sorry, I hate doing this but I have no other choice at the moment. We are being watch and I think there is only one camera in the hall facing the front door. I hope you haven't been to hurt by my actions but if I didn't comply there would have been another attack and I couldn't let that happen as Luna, and I trust that you will find me. I also believe I know who is the one behind all of this. I only just realized but I believe it to be Noah. In the note with this one they call me fake luna and weak and told me the instructions to wait for a call on this phone. I instantly went to go tell you but the phone rang before I could leave, and that what made me think there was a camera, on the phone a voice hidden by a voice changer told me I had to listen and to write a note that I had left and not to look for me. And to then take a picture and send it to him front and back. Which was why I had to write this. He told me to walk to the southern boarder where they would take me. I'm sorry for all of this and I wish I could be of more help but please find me. I love you. Carolina." 

My voice was barely anything by the time I finished 

I love you too Carolina. 

I love you. 

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