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Chapter 56

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Severance strode down the sparkling bluestone streets of Tomorrow's Edge, his lips pressed into an irritated line. He moved fast, long legs covering ground at a rate that most people would have to jog to keep up.

His shadow followed easily, weaving around people that he passed, never staying in one vantage point for long. Severance ignored him, even though he was acutely aware every time those sharp eyes sliced across him like a knife. It was like having an unfriendly Vast at his back, a snarl away from ripping out his throat.

As a result, Severance found himself on edge, his own attention panning through people and eyeing every shadow as if something might be lurking within. He saw players and residents from most of the major clans, although there were no Chosen or Traders in sight. That didn't reassure him. There were an awful lot of shadows to hide in, cast by the towering skyscrapers made of dark blue crystal.

Close up, these looming feats of architecture were solid and dark, but from afar, they caught the sunlight and glowed as if lit by an inner fire. It made them visible from within the misty haze that constantly permeated the air in the city, thicker near the Falls, but thinner at the North side where he currently was.

He turned left at the next junction, heading down a narrower street. Single-story buildings made of perfectly cut stone lined both sides, small signs declaring several businesses and shops. Unlike Two Bridges, Tomorrow's Edge did not have an open market, but had several streets of quiet, organized store fronts.

At the end of these streets, the area opened into a large square. It was lined with heroic statues, colorful flowers grown in raised beds, and many stone benches for people to rest upon.

Severance slowed as he reached the square. A quick glance showed that this area was relatively quiet, with only a couple of players cuddling on a bench and an elderly resident slowly walking about. Oh, and there was a player crouched in front of one of the four fountains, trying to poke one of the white fish that darted around the water.

Yup, that was the guy he was looking for.

Severance walked over. He didn't even have to try to be silent. His boots made no sound. It was the easiest thing to walk up to Awesome Dude and poke him in the back of the head.

With a startled squawk, Awesome Dude flailed and fell headfirst into the pond. Fish darted to the opposite side of the fountain in a mass of white.

Severance snickered. When Awesome Dude scrambled out of the water, his normally spiky brown hair plastered to his head in flat black strands, Severance laughed harder.

"Dude!" Awesome Dude jabbed a finger at Severance, brown eyes wide. "That was mean!"

"Sorry," Severance lied. His friend looked kind of like a wet rat.

"Uh huh, sure you are." Despite the sarcasm, Awesome Dude was also grinning. "That was real good, Sev. I didn't even hear you coming!"

Severance shrugged, though he was immensely proud of himself.

"Where's your dog?" Awesome Dude looked around, his expression falling when he couldn't spot Vast.

"At the House." Severance suddenly remembered his irritation from a few minutes ago. He looked down at his thigh where a few, very specific set of holes punctured his pants. Vast had not taken well to staying behind. The beast had been very gentle with his teeth, but he'd still ripped through the material and broken skin in the process. "He was very bad."

"Aw, I'm sure he didn't mean it."

Severance fixed his friend with a flat stare. "I'm pretty sure he did. He bit me when I tried to leave."

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