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Chapter 20

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Severance paced before the statue. His feet carried him back and forth while his mind pondered the mystery that was Awesome Dude.

The guy had finally gotten back to him and now they were supposed to meet up. That part wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It was the message that Awesome Dude had sent. That was the problem. It was short and to the point, which was very unlike the energetic weirdo that Severance had come to know.

Sorry. Online now. Reply back if your on and we can meet in Tomorrow's Edge.

Was the guy sick or something? Severance huffed. It was probably nothing, yet he couldn't help but wonder.

He paused before the statue, letting his gaze trail up its shiny blue form. It was of some lady in a robe, and the sunlight falling on her crystal face made it glow blue. Now he was no expert in statues or anything, but this one was rather stunning. She looked heroic, with that fierce set of her jaw and determined eyes.

"Got yourself a new girlfriend?"

The voice came from beside him. Severance nearly jumped out of his skin. He whirled, and found none other than Awesome Dude there.

The Shade flashed a grin, that silly gold tooth sparkling brightly. "Hey, Sev."

"Hey." Severance returned the smile. "Where've you been?"

Awesome Dude's grin faded slightly, before it returned full bore. But even Severance could tell it was forced. "What? I've only been gone for a day. Did you miss me?"

Rolling his eyes, Severance retorted, "No."

"Uh huh. Sure." Folding his arms across his chest, Awesome Dude kicked at a stone on the ground. It flew before bouncing off the base of the statue. Then he lifted his head, taking a quick look about them as if searching for something. It wasn't clear whether he found it or not, for he stilled and returned his attention back to Severance.

"Look," the Shade said, "Can I ask you something?"

A little taken by surprise, Severance nodded instantly. "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Your Gift." Awesome Dude's eyes went to Severance's upper arm. It was covered by a sleeve right now, but both of them knew of the marking that lay beneath it. "When you got it, what was it like?"

Oh. Severance stiffened, his heart sinking into a pool of dread. He found himself unable to meet his friend's eyes. The very fact that the Dude was asking this could only mean one thing.


Reluctantly, he peeked at the Shade. Awesome Dude really did not look good with that scrunched up expression. It made him look like an old man. Severance winced eternally, suddenly feeling like an old man himself.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't lie to his only friend.

"Something happened to you, didn't it?"

Awesome Dude's eyes widened. He hesitated, then nodded mutely.

Severance took in a deep breath. "Okay. When Maun gave me the first one, it hurt. A lot. And it booted me from the game. When I woke up in the real world, I was really sick. Like puking my guts up everywhere sick. I even passed out."

Just remembering it made Severance grimace. Those were not fun times. Awesome Dude, he noticed, was looking even more freaked out now.

The Shade exhaled a long whoosh of air. "Wow. Okay. Um, mine wasn't that bad. It just hurt, like you said, but it didn't log me out of the game or anything. I was fine in real life, too. Maybe just a bit tired. But I wasn't sick or anything."

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