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Chapter 15

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Severance stood on a narrow winding path on the outskirts of the Ironback Mountains. It wasn't far from where he and the others had ambushed the Free Trader caravan. If he looked ahead, he could see the great jagged shapes of the mountains reaching up into the heavens, dark and ominous.

Without really thinking about it, he rubbed at his Clan tattoo, which still felt slightly tender. After Hassiba's Gift, it had grown a second spoke beside the first, both originating from the same center swirl. It looked kind of cool, but the fact that it felt sensitive concerned him.

After all, these game bodies weren't meant to feel any sort of pain. Minor discomfort sure, as that was a just a feature to let them know they were taking damage, but nothing further than that. The first time, he'd thought it was just a glitch. This second time?

Now he wasn't so sure anymore.

A whine from near his feet made him look down, where a pair of silvery-blue eyes stared up at him adoringly.

How did you escape the House?

Severance scowled at the furry creature currently sitting at his feet. At least it wasn't on his feet this time. The Vastlhidan's tail still coiled around his leg like a spring, the animal determined to stick close.

Why it was so attached to him, Severance had no idea. The thing had bit him, for crying out loud. Though right now, he felt a little guilty. The poor kids back at the Clan House were probably wondering where Vast went. Especially Tayci—she adored Vast to pieces.

Soft footsteps crunching on loose stone drew his attention. As one, both he and Vast turned their heads to look at the source.

A young Veiled woman came towards them. Her face was solemn and she held a large black bow in one hand. Her tunic and leggings were entirely black, made for comfort and function rather than style. She had her dark hair twisted and pinned to the back of her head, a simple but effective method to keep it out of her face.

Mouna was, if anything, efficient. That was something he was quickly beginning to understand about her.

Once she saw she had his attention, she lifted her free hand, and curled her fingers toward herself, a clear gesture that was easily understood. Come.

"Right," he answered, and as if sensing his desire to move, Vast quickly uncoiled his tail from Severance's leg. The animal glanced up, as if ensuring Severance was still there, then quickly broke into a trot the moment Severance started walking.

Vast stuck to his side like glue, which made Severance feel odd. He'd never had a pet in his life. While Vast's attachment was mostly annoying, it was also kind of endearing. Not that he'd ever admit it if anyone asked.

Mouna led the way down a narrow, winding trail that zig-zagged down a steep decline. She moved quickly, her footing sure, her steps nearly silent. Even though he lengthened his strides to keep up with her, she still drew ahead.

He'd been surprised when he'd left the meeting with the clan leaders and found her waiting for him inside the Great Hall. With a simple gesture, she told him to follow. And without anything better to do, he did.

Now he was here in the Ironback Mountains, still clueless as to what he was doing here. He watched as she effortlessly navigated the rough terrain, a kind of grace and stillness about her like she was part of the mountains itself. She had to be close to his age, yet she seemed so confident and capable, like she'd already figured out life. He admired that in her.

Vast huffed and abruptly took off like a rocket, bounding down the rocky hill, his tail extended straight out behind him. In a flash, he'd vanished into a field of giant boulders, the remnants of what must have been a massive rockslide.

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