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Chapter 77

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Time Elapsed: 03:52:59

They stood on the crumbling curtain wall of an old fortress. Situated on top of a hill, the fortress presided over rolling hills of green as far as the eye could see in any direction.

This place had clearly been abandoned long ago, for grass grew over old walkways and young trees pushing their way up between stones. Where a once proud banner had hung against the castle exterior now remained a few tatters of rotted cloth, feebly flapping in the wind.

Severance looked around, curious despite the bone-deep exhaustion clawing at him. "Where are we?"

"A place that has been forgotten," Jack Coyote answered. He stood on the wall nearby, searching the grounds within and without with careful attention. "We'll be alone here."

At that, Severance's eyes snapped to the tank. He wasn't sure why Jack had suddenly dragged him off, but he could almost see the red warning flags going up one by one.

Warily, he asked, "What do you want?"

"To talk." Jack gestured around them. "If anyone tries to approach, we'll see them long before they reach us. It's just us, Severance. No one will hear us, and whatever is said here will not leave this place. You have my word."

Severance watched the other player, who was easily as tall as he himself was, but with a whole lot more muscle and armor. If it came down to a fight between them, Severance didn't think he had much hope of winning. Unless he ran.

He didn't think Jack brought him to this secluded place to fight, though.

"Okay, so?"

Jack's semi-permanent glare softened a little, downgrading into a still-intense stare that was only mildly less intimidating. "Good. I want you to understand that."

That no one will come to save me when you decide to kill me? Severance couldn't help the morbid thought. It was a stupid thought. Jack Coyote, for all his flaws, seemed a decent sort. He wouldn't stoop so low as to murder someone for no good reason.

Unlike me.

Severance folded his arms across his chest as goosebumps rose on his flesh. There was a cool wind blowing in from the east, and his burnt rags did little to shield him.

"Hold on a second," he said. "It's kind of cold up here, so..."

A small nudge at his Inventory, and a set of black clothing appeared in his arms. He didn't feel like freezing while sorting out whatever issue the other player had.

Jack said nothing, though his eyes narrowed a fraction. Not that Severance noticed; he'd already turned his back and was pulling off the shredded remains of his coat. He took a moment to look at them, feeling both sorrow and guilt at the coat's destruction. Mouna had made it for him, and now her efforts were ruined.

His tattered clothes were tossed into Inventory, after which he quickly dressed in the black loose trousers and fitted tunic of his Clan. His boots were also wrecked, but he had the foresight to grab another pair earlier as well.

Once dressed and feeling a whole lot more comfortable, he turned back to find Jack frowning at him. Honestly, did this man never do anything else?

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Jack's answer was immediate. "Tell me, healer. How long have you been able to feel pain in this world?"

Severance felt the ground drop away from beneath him, leaving him mentally flailing. "Uh... what?"

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