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Chapter 67

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Two days came and went, and Severance was still stuck at the Veiled House.

He'd been annoyed at first, but from the updates Awesome Dude and even Ironhide sent his way, he realized it was for the best. Ascendance was crawling with Trader and Chosen players, and more than a few had even infiltrated Tomorrow's Edge. It wasn't a difficult thing to pretend to be from an opposing clan, as Severance had learned, so even the Vigilant-ran city wasn't safe. Awesome Dude had been busy "cleaning" the streets and from his exuberant messages, it was a job he took great pride in.

"Don't worry, Sev! I'll get rid of these guys and you'll be able to come back in no time!"

It made Severance snort in amusement. Clearing out the enemy players was like trying to fill a colander with water, but appreciated his friend's efforts.

In the meantime, his hours were filled with training. Knife fighting and grappling with Dhin, which gained him another point in both strength and agility. Endurance and focus training with Batin, which earned him a point in vitality. And with Mouna, he learned the basics of archery, which gave him both wisdom and strength.

In short, he reached level 37 and was a point shy of level 38. With that kind of progress, he really couldn't complain about the past two days.

And on the third day, he logged into Eliona to find two Veiled men already in the courtyard. They had been conversing quietly when Severance arrived, but they now fell silent and watched him.

One was Batin, poised like a sword about to fall, and the other was Dhin. The younger clansman gave Severance a smile, but it seemed a little forced. That wasn't much of a surprise considering the company he kept. Batin wasn't exactly one to inspire warmth and comfort.

It was strange, and perhaps a little concerning, to see both of his teachers together.

"Severance," Batin greeted him.

"Twiggy," Dhin said.

"Hi," Severance returned. "What's going on?"

Dhin sighed, folded his arms and looked away. He appeared to have no desire to speak up, which left Batin with the task. The older clansman didn't seem to mind. In fact, he showed a rare smile—if a flash of the teeth could be considered such.

"There is an opportunity that I think you are ready for. But before I tell you what it is, there is a small test."

"A test," Severance repeated flatly.

"Just a minor one," Batin agreed, and was that humor in his usually cold, emotionless voice? Warning bells began to ring.

I'm going to die, Severance thought with great certainty. Either that, or he was going to wish he did.

Because nothing was ever minor when it came to Batin. The man had the unholy talent of finding the breaking point, after which he pushed his victim one step past it. And then he'd hold them there, while they'd slowly crackled and writhed above the fire, and only when they were about to disintegrate into ashes, then he'd take a single step back just long enough for them to catch their breath. It was always right to the max with Batin.

Severance raised a hand. "Can I refuse?"

"If you wish. There's always a choice." Batin watched with hooded eyes, revealing none of his thoughts.

Severance sighed. They'd already been through this. He knew it was an empty question, and Batin's answer just reinforced that.

The choice had already been made.

Somewhat resigned, he gave Dhin a worried glance before addressing Batin. "Okay. What's this test?"


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