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Chapter 70

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Time Elapsed: 00:19:08

Four men in black appeared in the center of Tomorrow's Edge in a bright flash of light.

Severance was one of them, in his customary black Battle Dancer coat. The Veiled clan symbol was visible upon his shoulder. It only had five spokes instead of the full seven, but only those of the Veiled clan knew that.

The other three men were Olen, whose head barely reached Severance's shoulder; Batin, who was doing his creepiest silent killer impression; and Maun, who showed his teeth like a lazy jaguar.

Severance wore an annoyed expression.

"Did they really have to come?" he asked Olen.

Olen gave him a bemused smile. "Pay them no mind. They don't get to do this often, so let them enjoy themselves."

People were already taking notice of them standing there. Those native to Eliona were wise enough to quietly retreat, while players watched curiously and whispered to each other. Severance sighed, and started walking. Olen kept pace with him, while their enthusiastically murderous entourage followed.

"I thought we were supposed to keep a low profile," Severance complained. "You know, not draw any attention, that kind of thing?"

"That is preferable," Olen agreed. He folded his hands behind his back. He might not have been a warrior like the others, but he still moved with that silent grace that was characteristic to the Veiled.

"Oh, I get it. You mean those two just invited themselves along so they could terrify the neighborhood."

Olen's eyebrow twitched. "Perhaps."

"Huh." Severance threw a narrow-eyed look over a shoulder. He glimpsed Maun's slightly-too-sinister grin, and barely suppressed a shudder. "I feel bad for you, Olen. I only have to see them a few hours a day, but you're stuck with them all the time."

"They mean well," Olen said gently. "It's not often I leave the House, and with the way things are right now, it's best to not travel alone."

"I know," Severance sighed. He understood the reasons for the escort, even if the two on duty today were going way overboard. He muttered, "If I wanted to make a scene, I would have brought Vast."

That got a dark chuckle from Maun. "Why didn't you bring him, Sev? It's always impressive to see a vastlhidan at work."

Severance scowled. "I didn't want him to choke on your bones."

Maun's laughter filled the air. Apparently, he thought getting threatened was an amusing affair. There was something fundamentally wrong with that man's brain.

At least it didn't take them very long to reach the merchant streets. The Trades Court was at the end of those streets, and Severance was familiar with them. He'd met up with Awesome Dude here not too long ago.

They passed a pair of players from the Neutral Wann Mi Clan. Their colorful clothing of yellows and greens caught Severance's eye. He noticed they were watching his little procession with barely disguised interest. One even gave a cheerful little wave, like she wasn't even concerned about a parade of suspicious men-in-black passing down her street. He envied her for that.

With everything going on, keeping below radar seemed like the smart thing to do. Yet here they all were, doing the exact opposite. Then again, he supposed that with both Batin and Maun being their escorts, only idiots would dare attack.

When they reached the Trades Court, it was empty except for a group of players. Severance recognized several instantly, and relaxed slightly. This could only be his team.

Eliona's War 2: Veiled HealerWhere stories live. Discover now