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Chapter 76

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K-792 barreled toward him.

Severance spun to the right and sprinted for all he was worth. After twenty paces, he skidded to a stop, pivoting to face Morning Glory's body. His fans fluttered as he focused, silvery wind whirling around him.


K-792's massive body as it roared past, missing him by a mere two feet. Players were running about, calling out, but he ignored them. His focus was on Morning Glory on the other side of the arena. The Boss jerked to a stop, turned to face a new direction—Valipn4ifw was right in its new path—and took off.

Wind blasted off Severance towards Morning Glory. He didn't wait to see it reach her. Instead, he made a beeline for the Boss as it screeched across the arena once more. Curving sharply, he fell in behind it.

It was easier to avoid its next charge if he stayed in its wake.

+1 Agility

Congratulations, Severance! You have reached Level 39.

Severance kept behind it. There was someone else running close by.

He glanced over, saw a limping Ironhide. A few steps behind him was Mr Snowman. The cryomancer gave a little wave when he noticed Severance's gaze. It was almost like he was having fun running for his life.

And then K-792 came to a stop for a second time. It'd gone as far as it could go, and it had succeeded in flattening Valipn4ifw in the process. Now it turned once more, a laborious motion, with one corner of its frame digging into the ground. It kept going until it faced them. Severance and the others immediately scattered out of its way.

K-792 roared past, leaving sparks in its wake. Severance ran through them, ignoring as they stung his legs. Once he was clear, he angled back towards Morning Glory. She was just getting back to her feet. The other surviving players began to gather near her, making themselves available for much needed healing.

Severance drew near and stopped. "Counter Gale!"

The skill spun him around once, and as he turned on the tip of a toe, green wind blasted off him in a dizzying swirl. Everyone it touched gained a precious chunk of health in an instant.

Morning Glory followed suit, applying a Regeneration skill to help.

"Get the Valentin up first," Jack Coyote commanded. "We need his damage to finish this." Then he went to meet the Boss once more.

Soft tones rang out as Morning Glory recast her shields.

"Can you get him?" Severance asked her. "I'm on cooldown."

"Sure," She immediately set about doing just that. "When you can, do Mr Softee next. He should be able to resummon his Phoenix to help."

Severance gave her a tired smile. "Right. We can do this."

With Jack Coyote holding K-792's attention, Severance settled in by the ruined wheel. Morning Glory resumed her original position at the Boss's back end, several yards away.

"Restoring Step," Severance murmured. His weapons scratched metal, but did little else for the frost had entirely melted. That didn't matter though; the skill still restored some of Jack's health.

"Give us some snow, guys!" Awesome Dude shouted on the other side of the boss. Somehow, he'd managed to survive the latest robot shenanigans just fine. "Can't do squat here!"

"Hold on," Mr Snowman yelled back. Severance didn't have to look back to know the cryomancer was doing something. He could feel the temperature plummet behind him.

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