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Chapter 27

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Severance finished fastening the last buckle on the boot, enjoying how his toes no longer stuck out in the open air like shy groundhogs taking their first sniff of spring air. His old boots lay discarded on the floor beside him. They were an embarrassment to all shoe-kind and he was glad to be rid of them.

A test wiggle of the toes proved the new boots to be a good fit. Satisfied, Severance straightened, brushing light fingers across the thighs of his new trousers. They were carbon copies of the previous pair, just like his boots, yet he couldn't help but feel like a new man. These had no bloodstains, no tearing or singe marks from running through fire.

For now, at least.

He made sure to grab a second pair of boots and pants, though sadly, there was no spare coat for him. There were some generic tunics folded on the shelf though, and after a moment's thought, he grabbed a couple just in case. He tossed them into Inventory, then left the small laundry room.

Like the kitchen and dining area, the Veiled had a community laundry room where several cloth hampers collected dirty clothing and shelves held clean pairs of tunics, trousers, shirts and even underclothes in various sizes. All of which he had eyed with varying degrees of alarm, amusement, and awe.

"All set?" Maun leaned against the wall by the door, a black shadow that only drew Severance's attention when he spoke.

"For what?" Severance warily asked.

Maun grinned, showing off all his teeth. "Your new diet, Sev."

"What?" That made a lot of sense, considering Severance didn't eat in this world. He didn't think he even had a functioning digestive system.

"Yep, that's right. I call it—" Maun paused, spreading his arms wide— "the dungeon diet!"

Severance just looked at the man. Then he wordlessly turned and walked towards the main doors of the House. Maun had gone loopy, which meant it was time to leave.

"Hey, come on, Sev! I'm serious!"

Severance lengthened his stride, lips pressed into a flat line. Maybe Mouna was somewhere outside. If she wasn't busy, maybe he could learn another sign or two.


There was an unmistakable whine to that last call, prompting Severance to move even faster. He reached out and shoved at the doors. They groaned as he leaned into them before reluctantly giving way. Daylight spilled into the House, bright and warm.

"It's the best way to get experience," Maun's voice was so close, he had to be practically breathing down his neck. Severance flinched in surprise, shoulders tensing, but he didn't turn around or acknowledge him. It would only encourage the man, anyway.

"And it's fast, too. You've got about five hours a day now, and if you're smart about it, you can easily knock out a dungeon an hour." Clearly, Maun wasn't giving up. "Imagine, Sev. if you did that, you might actually put some muscle on those twigs of yours."

"Twigs?" Insulted, Severance spun around. "What are you talking about? I don't have twigs!"

Maun stood barely an arm's length away. He reached forward and poked Severance's arm, a single brow arching. "Then what do you call this?"

Severance slapped Maun's hand away. "None of your business!"

Maun laughed at him, eyes twinkling. It only fueled the indignity that Severance felt. He lifted his chin and marched off to... somewhere. The courtyard wasn't exactly occupied right now, though there was Chaaya sweeping the stones. She looked up and gave them a tired, yet wide smile. Her dark braid hung over a shoulder, the few silver strands seeming to shine extra bright in the sun.

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