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NAME: Real name unknown.


AGE: 24.


AFFILIATION: Leader of the hero restoration squad.

QUIRK: Maneater.

Allows Maneater to to obtain a copy of any quirk they want by ingesting the original quirk users DNA. Can use multiple copied quirks at the same time and can posses said copies for as long as he desires.


This quirk causes cannibalistic tendencies for Maneater, which causes a sort of hunger that can only be satisfied by human meat.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Black hair, black eyes, sharp canines, small snake tattoo on neck.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Black hair, black eyes, sharp canines, small snake tattoo on neck

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NAME: Haruki Takahiro.


AGE: 23.


AFFILIATION: Hero Restoration Squad.

QUIRK: Chain Creation.

Chain can grow chains from his body which he can manipulate freely. The chains can be used for offensive manoeuvres and/or to grab/restrain. The chains remain attached to him, if they are broken the detached chain will immediately disappear.


Overuse of quirk can cause low iron levels, dizziness, headaches and in extreme cases, anemia.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Mid-length red hair, red eyes, multiple piercings, multiple tattoos on body, mostly chest and neck.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Mid-length red hair, red eyes, multiple piercings, multiple tattoos on body, mostly chest and neck

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NAME: Reia Yurei.


AGE: 18.


AFFILIATION: Hero Restoration Squad.

QUIRK: Phantom.

Allows her to do whatever a ghost/phantom can. Abilities include phasing and possession. She can also become/create an illusion for a short period of time but it drains her a lot since she hasn't perfected it.


Slight overuse will cause dizziness while extreme overuse will make her start seeing illusions and she'll have a hard time telling them apart from reality.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Long black hair with purple edges, pink eyes.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Long black hair with purple edges, pink eyes

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NAME: Shiro Tsuchigumo.


AGE: 23.


AFFILIATION: Hero Restoration Squad.

QUIRK: Spider.

Venom is able to do almost anything a spider can. Abilities include producing poison from teeth, creating strong webs from finger tips, ability to stick to things and summoning spider limbs from her back. Additional abilities are enhanced sight and strength.


Summoning limbs will tear the back and cause pain, and if a limb is broken Venom cannot regrow it until she retracts all the other limbs into her back. It usually takes 1 hour to regrow limbs.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Shoulder length white hair with black streaks, red eyes, sharp canines (retractable), web tattoo on neck.

APPEARANCE/IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Shoulder length white hair with black streaks, red eyes, sharp canines (retractable), web tattoo on neck

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(Pictures are made by me on picrew)

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