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"Ugh.." Y/n groaned, she lifted her hand to rub her eyes but paused, realising that she could not move her arm. She peeled her eyes open, realising that she was heavily restrained on a chair in an empty unfamiliar room. "What the actual fuck." She muttered. Her body was tied down to a chair that looked like a torture tool from the medieval ages and her wrists were cuffed together by a device that seemed to disable her quirk.

"You're awake.." Maneater's voice echoed through the empty room. She looked up to see him standing in front of her with his arms crossed. Chain was also there, standing right behind him like a lapdog. "Where am I?" Y/n asked, squinting and looking around the dimly lit room. "Heaven." Smirked Chain, Y/n glared daggers at him. "That doesn't sound right. Why are you here then?" She said, making him roll his eyes. "Don't make me knock you out." "Touch me and I'll use your tendons as shoelaces."

Chain took a step back. "She's quite intense.." He murmured to his boss, who didn't respond, continuing to eye Y/n like she was his last meal. "You seem pretty unbothered for someone who just got kidnapped." The red head commented, leaning on the wall behind him with his arms crossed. Y/n shrugged. "I'm a pro, I'm supposed to act calm under pressure, it's part of the job. Now what do you want from me, because I'm not in the mood to talk to you after you inconsiderately ripped my expensive dress."

"Boss?" He glanced at his boss, not knowing if he should tell her or if Maneater wanted to tell her himself. Maneater waved his hand, motioning for Chain to leave the room. He quickly obeyed, giving his boss a curt nod before leaving the room. Maneater didn't speak until he sensed that his right hand man was way out of earshot. He took a few steps forward, summoning a chair out of thin air to sit in front of his captive. His elbows rested on his knees and he leaned forwards, a look of admiration in his coal eyes.

"Do you have the faintest idea of how long it took me to get you here? How many people I disposed of just to be able to get closer to you, to learn more about you, about your past. Ever since I saw you jump on that bomb months ago, I've stayed up, day and night trying to learn more about who you are and who you were. But now.. Now it's time to focus on who you will become." Y/n moved her head back as far as she could before it hit the chair's headrest. His voice was so.. passionate that it scared her, and his eyes.. they held an aura so unhinged that it made her skin crawl.

"Why?" Was all that she could muster up. He smiled widely, as if he had been waiting his whole life for someone to ask him that. "I created this organisation to restore real heroes. Everyone who works under my name has been mistreated by the likes of people you work with. Venom's family were all massacred by ex-commission workers who had their minds set on exterminating mutant quirk types, Phantom's hero parents abandoned her for their jobs, the list goes on. I've fought many heroes, all the same, selfish fame seeking little bastards. All of them."

He leaned closer, Y/n could smell the scent of his expensive cologne. "What makes you think that I'm any different?" She responded, tilting her head questioningly at him. Maneater chuckled, leaning back into his chair. With his back resting against the mahogany and his legs spread, he rubbed his forehead with a smile. "You're too selfless for your own good. That's what makes you different, that's why I want you to join me, to be the face of this organisation. So that when we finally abolish the commission, you can be the prime example of heroism."

While he was giving his speech, Y/n was examining the room, checking for exits, windows, vents, anything. Other than the two chairs they were sitting on, the room was empty. There was one door, with a little barred window on it. The walls were grey, but clean. Weirdly clean for a room that looks like it's used for torture. "I know many heroes that would've made that jump if they could." She hummed, staring at the door behind him.

"Would they do it without hesitation? Would they do it knowing it could've probably killed them? Would they do it to save their reputation or the people? Would they do it if it actually did kill them? You're thinking of less people than you were before aren't you?" He asked, Y/n's eyes moved from the door to his. She wanted him out of her head. "Now tell me, would these people, the ones who are left, still keep their position after realising that their government doesn't deserve their service?"

"It's not about the government or the country, it's about the people living in it." Y/n interrupted. Maneater's smile widened. "And that's exactly what makes you different." He whispered. She looked away, wanting to get out of here more than anything. It's not often that she feels afraid, but he manages to make her feel more uneasy with every glance. "I'm not going to join you. So stop wasting your time and either let me go or kill me."

"Kill you? I would never! You're too precious of an asset to lose.. I won't even be able to harm you physically..." That made Y/n look up from the little spot on the ground that she was staring at. "What do you mean physically?" She snapped, a panicked tone in her usually steady voice. "I'm not going to touch your body. But I'm going to dig into your brain, to remind you of every reason why you should join me. I'm going to make you one of us.." Maneater had abandoned his chair, his hands were resting on Y/n's chair and he was leaning at eye level, inches away from her face.

"I'm going to break you Y/n L/n."


Bakugou ran his calloused fingers through his hair. It is morning now, and Y/n has been missing for almost 12 hours. Right after they scouted the entire area, including the hotels, they decided to go back to tokyo. The news that Y/n was missing has not gone out to the public yet, the only people who know are government officials from her country and Japan. With his suit still on, he paced around his office, waiting for any updates on her location.

"Kacchan, I'm sure she's okay." Midoriya muttered, he himself buried in reports about the HRS, trying to figure out a clue as to where their location is. "He stabbed her when she had her quirk. Do you have any idea what that sick bastard can do to her if he has her in quirk disabling cuffs?" The blond responded, plopping down on the chair in front of Midoriya. "She's strong. She can handle herself-" "You have no idea what it's like being kidnapped, Deku." Bakugou cut him off.

Midoriya sighed, a look of pity in his eyes. He opened his mouth to apologize but was cut off again. "Let's just keep looking." Bakugou grumbled, grabbing a stack of paper from his desk. Midoriya nodded, sinking back into his files. The two jumped up when they heard the door to Bakugou's office open, they were both still on high alert. They relaxed slightly when Todoroki walked in, a disgruntled looking Benji stumbling in right after him.

His eyes were bloodshot and his blond hair was a mess. He pushed through the three much taller men and made a beeline to Bakugou's desk where his computer was. "Did you tell him what happened?" Midoriya asked Todoroki, he nodded. "Yeah as soon as he landed I told him exactly what Bakugou told us." Benji was typing quicker than they've ever seen anyone type before, and his purple eyes glowed slightly. "What the hell is he doing?" Bakugou whispered.

"Using his quirk. If I remember correctly he can hack into anything without a password." Todoroki responded. "Guys.." Benji muttered, that was the first word he had spoken ever since he stepped out of the plane. The three men flocked around him, trying to see what was on the screen. It was a video labeled 'New Society'. The four of them shared a look of worry. Benji took a deep breath, his finger hovering above the mouse.

When he clicked on the video, he saw two faces he did not want to see in one room. Y/n was tied down to a chair, and her eyes were not (colour), but a cloudy white. Maneater was sitting with his legs crossed in front of her, his obsidian eyes staring straight into the camera in front of them. "Good morning gentlemen." He spoke. Midoriya had a worried look on his face, Todoroki and Bakugou looked angry, while Benji was utterly terrified. "What did you do to her?" Bakugou spat.

Maneater glanced at the dazed Y/n in front of him and then back to the camera. "Her? She's fine. I'm just refreshing her memory a little bit to remind her of how she deserves better than to work for a system that isn't worthy of her." He hummed. Their eyes moved to Y/n, who had a terrified look on her face. Her eyes were still cloudy, but it looked as if she was being tortured in some sick twisted way. "Let her go!" Benji sniffled, his sight blurry with tears.

"No no no.. You got it all wrong, the only one who has to let her go is you. She's ours now."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now