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"L/n." Bakugou said, opening the door to Y/n's temporary office. She jumped. "Jesus Bakugou. Knock." He rolled his eyes. "We have a case, they said it might be connected to the Restorationers. Do you think you're well enough to come along?" He asked. "I'm fine, the hospital said that I'm fully healed-" "I meant mentally. Since what happened with your teacher and all, do you think you can handle a mission?"

She looked away, her gaze focusing on the paperwork on her desk. Funeral arrangements. "Yeah. I can do it." Y/n spoke up after a few seconds of silence. Bakugou stared at her, a look of concern on his face. Barely noticeable, but still there. "If you insist.. I'll wait in the car. Put your suit on." He grumbled. "Bakugou wait."

He turned, ready to tell her off for keeping him longer than he wanted, but he stopped when he saw the look on her face. It's been some time since he saw that look of seriousness in her eyes. "Thank you for what you did a few nights ago. And for dragging me to hospital. You're a good teammate." Bakugou rolled his eyes. "It was.. Whatever. We're not a fuckin' team, we just happened to be partnered together on the same mission."

She laughs a little. "Fine, a good person that's partnered with me on the same mission. There." He shook his head, but Y/n caught a tiny smile on his lips. "Just put your suit on and get going." He walked out, leaving Y/n alone in the office. She sighed, glancing at the papers on her desk again. She had to fly back to New York soon to attend her teacher's funeral. It was on the 2nd of November, Día de los muertos.

Carter's husband was of Mexican heritage and was also buried on the day of the dead, and Carter's wish was to be buried on the same day. His grave would be next to his husbands per his request. Y/n would make sure that his wishes are respected.

Quickly, she slipped on her suit and made her way to the agency's parking lot. There stood Bakugou in his hero suit, leaning on the hood of the sports car with some papers in hand. "Like what you see?" He asked, not looking up from his paper. She looked away, realising that her gaze lingered for too long. "Well, I do like a man in uniform." She retorted, it was his turn to get flustered.

"W-whatever." He said, getting into the car and slamming the door behind him. "So what's this all about?" She asked, her eyes skimming over the files while Bakugou drove next to her. "There was a murder yesterday. Some regional hero, not very high in rankings. The damage to his body made him almost unrecognisable. The police think it might be the HRS, so they contacted the commission."

"What makes them think it's the Restorationers?" Y/n's eyebrows knotted. "Well, most of the alley was burned down, so not much evidence was recovered. But there was a witness, they found her but she was pretty shook up and hadn't spoken a word. And they think there might be some bite marks on him but he's too distorted to make sure." He said, parking the car.

The street looked shady even in the morning. "Dynamight, Kinetika, It's an honour. Follow me please." A blond officer said, handing them gloves and leading the way for them. They followed her into an elley, it was burnt to ash and the body was lying in the middle and being examined. "Holy hell. I'm not aware of any Restorationer with a fire type quirk.." Y/n said while examining the ash.

"This is from the hero. He tried to fight back." The blond lady explained. Bakugou yelled for Y/n, he was kneeling next to the body and examining the neck. "Here," He said, grabbing her hand and setting it on the two barely visible dots on the dead hero's neck. She could feel his breath on her neck as he guided her along the wounds. "They think it's that black haired asshat." "Maneater?"

Y/n looked puzzled. "I'm not sure it's him.." She mumbled, Bakugou raised a brow. "Huh?" "The body was beaten but it doesn't have any missing parts." She explained. He stood up, putting his hand out to help her get up. He was being weirdly considerate ever since she got stabbed. "Let's go talk to the witness or something. This shit is making me ill." He said.

They took off their bloody gloves and walked over to the blond officer. "Where is the witness you found?" He asked her, she motioned to a police car parked a few meters away. "She didn't want to go to the station." They nodded. "You talk to her, you're better at the mushy shit than I am." Bakugou muttered to Y/n, she nodded.

In the car sat a girl with antennas and a terrified look on her face. She had her legs cradled into her chest while another officer talked to her. "Excuse me, may I?" Y/n asked with her hand on the officer's shoulder. He gulped, giving her a few side glances filled with disbelief as he walked away. Bakugou stood a few centimeters behind Y/n and stared at her as she gently talked to the scared witness.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" She asked. The witness shook her head. "I understand, it must've been very scary. Do you want to tell me what happened?" The witness shook her head again. Y/n nodded and got up. "It was Venom." She said. Bakugou gave her a questioning look. "What?" He asked. "While driving here, I checked the dead guy's record. He's made a lot of wrongful arrests, mostly mutant quirk types."

"If my guess is correct. He tried to arrest this young lady, Venom was having a bad day and saw it, then she killed him. Which explains the bite marks with nothing eaten. Have them check for any poison in his system." She finished and walked to the car. Bakugou's red eyes followed her to the car, his mouth slightly open. 'How did she do it so quickly.. The witness didn't even talk..' He shook his thoughts away and asked them to test for poison. The tests came back positive and he walked back to the car.

'She's fucking incredible..'


Chain walked away from Venom and made his way to the nearest branch of his bars. "Hey boss! Welcome back!" The manager greeted, handing Chain a drink. "Thanks. I'm going to my private rooms, don't disturb me." He ordered. "Of course sir. Would you like me to send any entertainment?" He asked, the redhead shook his head. "I just want some peace and quiet and a drink. I have a phone call to make."

People made way for Chain as he walked through his bar. He was uncharacteristically quiet, not even greeting his favourite bartenders. He plopped down onto the velvet couch of his private room and chugged what's left of his drink. "Let's get this shit over with.." He grumbled to himself, grabbing his phone from his pocket and pressing call.


"What do you want mother?" He snapped. He promised himself he'd stay calm and collected but he was filled with rage when he heard her voice. "You're still angry. I see." He scoffed. "Oh yeah? Of course I'm still fucking angry. I'll always be angry at you." His mother sighed on the other end of the line. "Son, please. Your father and I miss you. We want you to join us."

He stared at his phone in disbelief. They still want him to join their stupid gang? "Do you really think I'll join you? After you trained me most of my life and made me think that I'll become a hero? Only for you to hand me a fucking gun and tell me to kill someone?! Do you really think I'll join you two and your dumbass gang?!" He yelled.

"But you'll join a good for nothing villain group?" That was his father's voice. "At least we don't kill people for no fucking reason! We have purpose, unlike your useless fucks and your stupid petty gang!" His father sighed. "This petty gang runs Tokyo son. Don't be foolish!" "Fuck you old man!" Chain sneered, ending the call. He let out a long frustrated sigh, melting into the couch with his arm covering his eyes. He felt his phone ding again and he spat out a string of curses.

1 New message from 'Mother'

The offer is still on the table son. It'll always be. Please come to your senses.

"Fuck!" He huffed, throwing the phone across the room. "Fucking fuck!" Chain grabbed the empty glass and smashed it against the wall before slumping back on the couch. He fished a bag of white powder from his pocket and emptied it on his table. "Stupid Yakuza and their stupid scummy criminals.." He breathed, his hands tangled in his messy red hair.

"Good for nothing villain group my ass.."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now