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When she paused in front of one of the cells, they all halted to a stop behind her, following her inside when the guard quickly unlocked the secured door. "Kurogiri... Is that right?" Y/n asked, tilting her head to the side. Her tongue prodded the inside of her cheek as she stared at the man made of mist. "The hell are you up to?" Shigaraki asked, staring at her with eyes that held anger and disbelief. "What? You said you'd help me catch Maneater. A jet takes too long, so we need to teleport. Now tell him to take us." She turned and blinked innocently at Shigaraki. He growled frustratedly and turned to Kurogiri who was getting unchained by the guards.

"Just... do what she fuckin' says." He grumbled, earning a pleased smirk from her. "Atta boy. That's what I thought. " She hummed before turning to the rest. "Right, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to use all my cards before I have to put this guy back in jail after I get this over with." Y/n explained. After handing Kurogiri the coordinates, they all stood huddled together waiting for the cloud to surround them.

Y/n snaked her hand into Katsuki's, squeezing it after giving him a reassuring smile. Her sudden lack of anxiety puzzled him, he was happy for her of course, but there was no way that his comforting words managed to bring out this incredibly nonchalant side of her. He squeezed her hand back hesitantly, before taking a deep breath and bracing himself for the black smoke that was about to encircle him.

The smoke cleared, revealing a busy waiting room. "Where are we..?" Midoriya asked. "My agency branch in Nevada." Y/n simply answered before turning towards the secretary desk. She walked through the line and leaned on the desk. "Excuse me ma'am, you shouldn't- K-Kinetika! How can I help you?" The woman behind the desk stuttered. "Do you have any suits stored here?" She asked, the woman turned to her computer and shook her head. "O-only the ceremony suit ma'am." She answered, making Y/n groan. "Fine. I can work with it. Bring it over." She ordered before she turned back to the group.

"Benji, can I borrow your phone? Mine's fried." She asked with her hand out. He handed it to her without hesitation, and she dialled up Killian. "Killian, it's Kinetika. I'm in Nevada. I'm going to handle the situation now." She said, he laughed on the other side of the line. "I sent that text an hour ago when he was still in Japan. Its too fucking late L/n. He's on American soil now, and American citizens are in danger." He responded. "Yes. That's why I'm here. To protect American citizens, because that's my job-" "Not for long. You were supposed to get rid of him, not fix him. I've already ordered an airstrike on him."

A loud beep was heard after Y/n pressed the 'end call button'. "Trace the call." She gave the phone to Benji, who handed it back to her 10 seconds later. She held it up for Kurogiri to see the address. "Open a portal." Kurogiri looked at Shigaraki. The white haired man nodded, and a cloud of smoke appeared in front of Y/n. They all watched her with curious looks on their faces. Katsuki wasn't the only one who had noticed the change in Y/n's behaviour. Charlie gulped, he'd been in her mind before, hell he helped her get a hang of her quirk, so he knew that someone must've said something bad for this to happen. And Benji, he'd witnessed this side of her first hand when she'd threaten bullies away from him.

She wordlessly stuck her hand through the portal, pulling it back and taking Killian along with it. With her arm still tightly wrapped around his neck, she shoved him against the nearest wall and squeezed, glaring intensely into his shocked purple eyes. "Wh-what the f-" "Did you think you were safe all the way in fucking Washington Killian?" She hissed into his ear. "You are in no position to fire me. I will not be some weak bitch who apologises to you whenever you think I do something wrong. And trust me, I never do anything wrong."

His breath hitched as her tone got harsher. "I live my life by your stupid mandates. I've dedicated not only my career but my life to your mandates and I'll be damned if you say otherwise. I only ever did what you asked me to do, who you told me to be and what you trained me to do. And I did it. I did all of it and best believe I did it well. My entire hero career you shits have tried to keep me obedient and make me feel like I can't do shit."

Killian growled, trying to push her off. "And y'know what, it worked. Because I let it work. But not anymore Killain. I'm done with you and your degrading words. And guess what? You can't fucking fire me, because you need me." Y/n spat. No one dared to intervene, Katsuki was even smiling proudly. She finally let go of him, putting her finger up and motioned for him to come closer. "Look at me. Look. At. Me. I'm the number one hero. And I can do whatever the fuck I want." She whispered with a wide, unhinged grin. "Benji get me a helicopter. We don't know the exact coordinates so we can't teleport." Y/n walked away, leaving Killian hunched over on the wall.

"Deserved." Charlie scoffed at him, and Benji nodded. They were not strangers to the mental abuse he put Y/n in. Katsuki glared at Killian before moving past him to catch up to Y/n who went to change into her suit. "Y/n. Are you okay?" He asked, grabbing her arm. "What? Oh, I'm fine. Just needed to blow off some steam." She smiled, a kind one this time. "You sure did. You were right, he does have a punchable face. Now let's go get that cannibal shithead." He smirked, letting go of her. Y/n grabbed the case where the suit was stored from one of the employees and found a room to change. She shut the door behind her and sighed.

She laid the case on a table and clicked it open, revealing the suit she wore to the ceremony where she was appointed the title of 'the symbol of freedom'. It was the same suit every number one wears at that ceremony. There was one made for every new number one hero, tailored specifically to fit them and only them. Y/n stared at her reflection on the shiny table, clasping the cape tightly in her fist. It was quite the honorary cape, given that it was the actual flag, red white and blue with all its star spangled and striped glory. A cape isn't her personal design choice, but she could work with it.

When she walked out, she saw them all waiting for her. "Right. I'm going alone." She declared. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Katsuki burst out, quickly standing from the chair that he was sitting on and charging towards her. "This is my fight, Katsuki. No one else's. He wants me. So he's gonna get me." She answered calmly. "At least let us be on sight with you L/n. It's dangerous." Midoriya said, pulling Katsuki away. Y/n thought about it for a second before nodding. "Fine. Midoriya, Katsuki, you're staying in the helicopter. Charlie keep these two in a cell till I get back to chuck them in their own. Benji, the control room."

Y/n turned, her cape flowing behind her as she took long strides towards the elevator that would take her to the roof. She held it open, raising a brow at Midoriya and Katsuki. "Well?" The two snapped out of their daze and quickly followed her. "Wait!" Benji shouted, making Y/n wedge her foot between the closing elevator door. He rolled his wheelchair towards the reopening door and grabbed her hand, snapping a device onto her wrist. She stared at it with a frown. "What the hell is this? It looks like I'm on house arrest." Y/n said. "It's a monitor. Keeps track of how much you can absorb. I ordered it after the bomb incident."

"Benji I don't need this-" "Please. For me." He pleaded. She couldn't resist his pleas if she wanted to. "Fine." She sighed, removing her foot from the door's way. "Be careful." "I will." Was the last thing she said before the door shut and the elevator lifted the three of them upwards. The door reopened on the roof and they all stepped out towards the helicopter. The wind from the moving blades pushed them back slightly. "Right. Let's go find him." She spoke into her earpiece when they were all seated.

The helicopter lifted into the sky, followed by many cameras. "Jesus Christ, they know about it already?" Y/n tucked her head away from the window after spotting the media's cameras. They flew for a solid 10 minutes before Y/n heard Midoriya shout something. "I think I see him!" He said, pointing out into the desert ahead. She squinted, low and behold, it was him. "Lower the helicopter!" She ordered the person operating it. He nodded and obeyed, lowering as much as he could but still trying to stay far from Maneater's range.

Katsuki grabbed Y/n by her shoulders and pressed his forehead to hers. "Be careful Y/n. Don't let him get to you." He told her, his eyes staring into hers. "I won't. Promise. I'll be careful." She muttered, pressing a kiss onto his lips before taking a step back and sliding the helicopter doors open. She held up a peace sign and smiled before she took another step back and off of the flying vehicle. Wind blew through her cap as she dropped down, landing on both of her feet with a big thump and releasing a wave of (colour) energy through the sand.

"Shinjiro!" Y/n shouted, walking towards him.

"Ah. Y/n. You found me. Aren't you a sharp one?" He smirked.

"Who told you that I was done with you yet?"

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now