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"You'll be fine on your own Benji, don't worry!" Y/n reassured for the tenth time today. "But Y/n this is a huge responsibility! Are you positive that I'll be able to take care of every single one of your agencies while you're gone? You have like a billion! What if I mess up?!" He whined as he walked beside the hero. Benji had offered to walk Y/n to her plane so they could bid each other goodbye before she had to leave for I-Island and eventually, Japan. And throughout their entire journey he's been worrying about his new responsibilities.

"Look Benji," She sighed and paused. He gulped, looking her in the eyes. "There's no one better than you for this job. I gave it to you for a reason, not just because you're my best friend. No one can handle this job better than you. Besides, if you have any questions, just call me. And it's only fifty agencies." Benji sniffled at his friend's words, clearly resisting the urge to cry. Y/n smiled and ruffled his hair, pulling him into a side hug as they started walking again.

"Well well well! Look who it is! How's it going number one?" The two friends cringed and paused in their tracks when they heard the voice of the number two hero. "William. Hello." Y/n responded dryly. William Collins, better known as Pro-Hero Patriot, is the number two hero in the USA and the most pretentious man you'll ever meet.

William chuckled tauntingly at Y/n, completely ignoring Benji's presence. "No need to be so cold, young lady! You should smile more since you're number one and all..." Benji opened his mouth to respond but Y/n stopped him, she wasn't in the mood to bicker with William and she had a flight to catch. "Why are you here William?" She asked, no, commanded.

"I'm just here to say goodbye to my coworker before she goes off to another country and neglects her own!" The man responded with a poisonous smile on his face, Y/n clenched her teeth and tried to ignore the burning desire to defenestrate him. She stepped forwards towards the man and stood face to face with him, she could feel his hot breath against her face as she glared into his ocean blue eyes.

"Listen to me and listen well Patriot." She spat his name out as if it was venom. "We both know that I'm not leaving the country to go on vacation. Helping Japan is the first step to saving this country and you know it, so stop shaming every decision I make when you would make the same one if you were in my shoes. Which let me remind you, you aren't. So stay out of my business." The number two hero raised his arms up defensively and grinned, Y/n glared daggers at him.

"Woah there, calm down Kinetika, is it that time of the month or something?" He snickered and patted her cheek. Benji angrily swatted the man's hand away from his friend's cheek, making the man frown. William scoffed and leaned towards Y/n's ear. "Get your little pet on a leash. And watch out for your little number one spot, 'cause I might just steal it while you're gone Kinetika.." He whispered, his voice was spiteful and his taunting tone was gone.

William had always wanted the number one spot, and when he realised that a woman who was 10 years younger than him had taken it, he was positively furious. From that moment onward, he had always made it his personal mission to invalidate every decision she made and make her feel like a horrible hero so that she'd give up the spot to him. But Y/n will not be taken down that easily by some old privileged man.

"Watch your mouth Patriot. The only way you'll get to number one is when I'm six feet under." Y/n replied with a smirk, the fact that she was so unbothered by his threats made William even more mad. He scowled and walked away, but before he could disappear from Y/n's sight, she called his name, making him pause and turn to look at her. "Try not to destroy the country while I'm gone, Patriot."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now