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"Where are you two going?" Mitsuki asked. She had a worried look on her face while she watched the two scramble to put their shoes on. "Dumb shit escaped. We gotta fuckin' go." Katsuki quickly explained. "I'm so sorry for this. I'll make it up to you sometime, I swear." Y/n apologised. Her eyes were glued to her phone, reading all the texts and updates on what happened. "Don't even worry about it." Mitsuki smiled, grabbing a hold of Masaru's hand.  "Oh geez... Be careful kids." Masaru mumbled while he waved them off with his wife. "No need to worry about us sir." Y/n smiled.

The couple sighed as they watched the two young heroes bolt out of the door. "Poor kids." Mitsuki said. Masaru nodded and hugged her closer. "What an intense job. I can't imagine the responsibility it brings. They can't even have dinner with their family like normal people." He shook his head with a sigh. "They're strong. I know Katsuki is. And I know he'd never pick a weak partner." She smiled, closing the door shut when they were out of sight.

They ran to the car, slamming the doors shut after hurriedly getting in. "What the hell happened?" Katsuki asked, frantically kick starting the engine. Y/n was on the verge of tears when she explained. Her throat was tight and her eyes were wet. "Fuck. Shit. Okay. Charlie went to interrogate him but he wasn't there. He- oh my god- he manipulated the guard that took over Kirishima's shift and fucking escaped." Her breathing was laboured, she was basically panting, and it wasn't from the running. "We'll catch the fucker Y/n. Don't worry." Katsuki mumbled, sensing that she was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Will we? I don't know if I can do this again, Katsuki. It took so much to even fucking talk to him I can't do this. I-" "For god's sake Y/n stop doubting yourself so much. You're the number one hero, you beat the shit out of everyone in your way, you managed to outsmart him so many times when you escaped, without you being a smart ass we would've never escaped him when he chased us across the world. Please. Pull yourself together, you can do it." He basically scolded, making her take a deep breath and nod. "Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry."

His brain was racing as well. They'd taken so many security measures... But none of that mattered now. "Don't apologise. Where.. where are we going first?" He asked. "Your agency." She said, her eyes still on the phone. A buzz from her frown made her frown. She clicked on it, only to see a message from Killian. A switch suddenly flipped in her brain when she read his crude words. 'Get your 'heroic' fucking ass over here and sort this shit out before I fire you. Incompetence is in your blood, how the hell did you get this fucking job.'

Y/n's mouth hung open while she stared at the text. 'How... how fucking dare he... Nothing, nothing I've done so far matters to them...' She clenched her fist and bit the inside of her cheek. 'They're nothing without me.. if I don't prove it and fucking make them shove their words down their throats... then I will fucking retire myself. I promise that.' She could feel the muscles in her eye twitch while she read the text over and over again.

Her screen went black after a few bright (colour) sparks emitted from the hand that she clenched the phone in, so she shoved it back into her pocket. The car was speeding through the streets, missing red lights and cutting through traffic. Its wheels screeched as Katsuki halted the vehicle at the entrance of the agency. He chucked the key to one of the guards to park it before they sprinted inside to the cell. There they saw Charlie with his hands pulling at his hair while he talked to Benji, who was talking and typing away at the computer on his lap at the same time.

They both turned when they saw the manic Y/n standing at the doorway with Katsuki right behind her. "Where the hell is Midoriya?" She asked sternly. "He's on his way here with Todoroki, Chain, Venom and Phantom." Benji muttered. Midoriya and Todoroki were responsible for the three after they sent them back to the HRS base to make sure that the low ranking members didn't riot. They were basically under house arrest, with Midoriya and Todoroki keeping a careful eye on the three of them, to make sure that they don't switch sides again and help Maneater escape. But it looks like they were worried about the wrong people.

"Right. C'mon let's keep it moving. Benji give me an update, do we know where the hell he is? Did Killian say shit?" Her tone and behaviour quickly switched from frantic and angry to calm and commanding. Katsuki was always in awe whenever he saw her effortlessly switching from Y/n to Kinetika. Benji and Charlie were used to it, but that doesn't mean that they don't think it's insanely impressive how she pulls herself together so quickly. "Charlie interrogated the guard that was manipulated. Nothing from Killian yet. He let Maneater out but they weren't able to properly take off the quirk disabling cuffs."

Charlie and Katsuki trailed behind Y/n and Benji as they walked through the agency and to the lobby where they'd meet with Midoriya, Todoroki and the HRS. "Meaning?" She pressed. "From the signals we're getting from the broken cuffs and eye witnesses, it looks like his quirk is glitching and coming in waves. It's not working properly or fully, and it turns off and on at random. Currently it appears that he's teleporting randomly to places, but I think he's trying to get to the USA main commission base in Washington D.C." Benji bit his lip with a frown, watching Y/n's expression change. He noticed a small spark of (colour) appear in her eyes.

"What? Why?" She whipped her head towards Benji, he looked back at his laptop. "We heard from witnesses that he kept mumbling something about revenge and manipulation.." Benji muttered. "Oh for fucks- Damn it! He wants revenge for the commission manipulating me and the HRS." Y/n cursed, her steps becoming more and more harsh as her quirk got much harder to control. Her frustration was visible through the (colour) sparks that emitted from different parts of her body. "Where is he now?" She asked after taking a deep breath. "He's headed to the Great Basin desert in Nevada now."

"L/n." Midoriya's voice called out, snapping her out of her daze. "What the fuck happened?" Chain asked with a bewildered look on his face. "You're buddy ran off." Katsuki snapped back. Tensions were very high. "God. What are you doing here? You should be making sure that the loyal henchmen don't scurry off and help Maneater-" "L/n." "-especially since he escaped now they're gonna be after him-" "L/n listen." Venom interrupted, making Y/n's head snap towards her with a piercing glare. "The HRS.. we're already helping the police work on arresting and rehabilitating the rest of the members. It's fine. You just have to worry about helping him now."

Phantom walked towards Y/n, grabbing her hands and clutching them with her own. "We... want him to get better. He was the one that made us. And you... you're the one that saved us. The commission.. They made him. So you'll have to be the one that saves him. Please." She begged, making Y/n clench her jaw. This was her job as a hero. To help him no matter how much he had hurt and damaged her. Help all, save all, go plus ultra. That's what Star and Stripe once told her, something she herself learned from All Might. She'll put that Killain fucker and everyone who thinks like him in their place..."I will. I'll do my best. Benji, Charlie, Midoriya, Katsuki, we're going. Shoto, handle the guard and stay with these three."

Chain tried to object, wanting to go along and help Maneater as well, but he was quickly silenced by Y/n's stern warning glance and Todoroki's hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Right. Katsuki, bring Shigaraki, and Benji tell Tartarus that we're on our way." Y/n ordered, making the two boys frown in confusion. "Yes ma'am." Benji muttered. Katsuki nodded. No one questioned her, Katsuki walked away to get the villain while Benji dialled up some people to make them aware that Y/n would make an appearance. Todoroki took the HRS to a different room and went off to interrogate the guard.

She didn't have to wait for long for a car that would escort all six of them to the heavily guarded prison. "Why the fuck are you taking me back here? We had a deal, and as far as I know, you're far from winning this shit." Shigaraki hissed when she dragged him out of the car by his cuffed wrists. The rest of the gang followed her curiously, they still had absolutely no idea what was going on. "Oh relax, we're not here for you. Not yet at least. You're just the only one they'll listen to." Y/n grumbled, yanking him harshly. She marched through the hallways with no problem, the guards hesitantly nodded at her whenever she passed them with the rest on her tail.

Y/n led them all to the most secure section in the giant, criminal filled facility. She was unfazed by all of the staring Ex-Villains, Katsuki and Midoriya however, shivered at all the old faces that they saw. Katsuki's hands were shaking while he pushed Benji's wheelchair along the long hallway. A familiar blond girl smiled wildly at him when they passed her cell's window, making him gulp. 'Holy shit..' He thought, his eyes making contact with certain blue ones belonging to a heavily patched man. The lizard, the masked magician... they were all here...

The league of villains.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now