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Y/n was on edge the whole ride home. She'd snap at the tiniest things, Bakugou's foot tapping, the jet's engine being a tad bit too loud, Bakugou's loud breathing and basically any sound that he made. She was partially jumpy because of the.. Well.. Bomb that's about to go off and destroy a city, but also because of Bakugou's shenanigans at the interview.

"What the hell was that about? At the interview?" She asked, breaking the silence. "I don't know what you're talking about." Bakugou smirked, crossing his legs. She lunged herself forwards at the boy in front of her and grabbed his collar. "Don't you fucking pretend that you didn't know what you were doing. Stop trying to tease and irritate me." He jumped up and grabbed her collar in return, their faces inches from each other. "Don't pretend as if you didn't do the same you little shit."

"I only did it because I didn't want to lose to you asshole-" "Excuse me, are you two alright?" The flight attendant asked. Y/n and Bakugou's eyes widened. 'Shit, we're gonna blow our cover..' Bakugou gulped, trying to think up an excuse for the compromising position that they were in and make it look like they weren't just about to kill each other. But Y/n already had something in mind.

Cursing her luck, she quickly pressed her lips to his. His breath hitched and he closed his eyes. Knowing better than to expose their act, he went along even if it was against his will. "Oh we're fine!" She giggled after pulling away. The attendant nodded and left, allowing the two to let out giant sighs of relief. "Never do that again." He grumbled. "If your voice wasn't so loud and attention grabbing I wouldn't have had to do that in the first place." "You- Y'know what, let's just never fucking talk about this ever again." "Agreed."

When they arrived, she was the first one to exit the jet. "Oh god not you.." She muttered to herself as she saw William standing at the airport's exit. "Well well well.. Look who it is... Did you come running back to get my help after you realized that you couldn't handle Japan alone?"

She shoved him aside, barely paying mind to his foul words. "No, I'm here to take care of the situation that you failed to handle, now move out of the way." She grumbled, walking past him and ignoring his offended glare. "Who the hell was that ass-hat?" Bakugou asked, striding quickly beside her to try and match her pace without falling behind. "What?! Do you not know who I am?!" William shouted from behind them, jogging lightly to catch up with them.

"Why the fuck would I care to know who you are?" Bakugou sneered, causing Y/n to crack a smile. "B-Because I'm the number two hero!" "Well the last time I checked, I was assigned to work with the number one hero, not the number two hero. So I still don't see a reason as to why I should give a shit about you." This silenced him. If the situation wasn't serious, Y/n would be in tears with laughter.

"Here's the key ma'am, are you sure you don't need a driver?" One of the attendants asked, handing Y/n the keys to her car. "Yes. With the situation we're in right now I'd rather not put anyone else in danger." Sighed Y/n, entering the car and slamming the door. "C'mon, we don't have that much time, you two. Get in the damn car." Bakugou and William shared a look before entering the car, both sitting in the backseat because they were too stubborn to sit next to Y/n.

Their ride was pretty short, since Y/n was speeding through the streets. "Jesus fuck- slow down you're gonna get us arrested!" Bakugou shouted, gripping the handles above the window. "It's fine. Since I'm number one I have a permit to exceed the speed limit especially in a situation like this. So cops know better than to stop me if they see one of my cars driving around." She explained.

The tires screeched as she halted to a stop in front of her agency. "Follow me." She instructed, weaving her way through the giant building. The two men followed her silently. As they walked through the halls, Bakugou noticed all the posters on the walls. They were posters of her, of the old symbols of freedom and many newspaper articles. Although there was one that caught his attention, actually two, one of them was a picture of young Y/n with a man that resembles her and the other was a news article with the headline 'New hero in town, young Kinetika saves the day!'

Before he could ask her about anything, she pulled them into a room that had her name on the door, must be her office. There stood someone Bakugou never thought he'd see at that moment.

"Ah, I see you accepted my back up request. It's been some time Shoto."

"I could say the same Y/n, this is a pretty dangerous situation from what I've heard, so I couldn't turn it down even if I wanted to."

William seemed to be surprised at the sight of Japan's number 3 hero, but he was nowhere near as surprised as Bakugou. His gaze moved quickly between the two, trying to figure out exactly what the hell was going on. "Why the fuck is Icyhot here? And since when were you two on a first name basis? And how the fuck do you two know each other?!" Todoroki smiled gently and patted Bakugou's shoulder (Leading to him almost getting his hand bit off).

"You seem to have a lot of questions Bakugou. Y/n and I met a long time ago. Due to my father having been the number one hero, I have made many trips to America, leading to me meeting Y/n and becoming close companions." Todoroki explained, pointing at a framed picture of him and Y/n on her office walls, they looked to be 18 in that picture. "And he's here 'cause we need as much back up as possible and I asked him to come." Y/n mumbled, fiddling with her computer.

William opened his mouth to speak but was soon cut off by her office door slamming open. "Right. We don't have time for your friendships Kinetika-" "Thank god you're back!" Benji screeched, running towards Y/n, jumping over her desk and pouncing on her. "Benji, it's been like less than a week..." She breathed. "Oh god. Sorry, everyone. I feel like I interrupted someone.." He cleared his throat, brushing off his suit. "Yeah. Me." William frowned.

"Oh, well then that means that it wasn't something important. I take back the apology. Anyways, I'm agent Miller, Y/n's right hand man." He introduced, stretching his hand to Bakugou, who just grunted and quietly grumbled his name. "Ah, It's good to see you here again Mr. Todoroki." "Thank you Agent Miller." Todoroki responded. "Right, Benji, how's the public reacting to this?" Y/n asked, pacing stressfully around the room.

"Well since your interview wasn't live, the broadcast that the villains did wasn't shown to the public, so they know nothing about this. The government wants to keep it this way since it'll cause way too much panic and that's what the villains want." Benji explained, his tone suddenly became very serious, which surprised Bakugou. "Great. I have a plan, Benji I'm gonna need the police department to suit up. Also, call the costume department."

Benji nodded, not even stopping to question her decision. He waved them goodbye and ran out of the room. "So here's the plan, the villains definitely expect us to go with a head on approach, but that's not what we're gonna do. We need to defuse the bomb without grabbing anyone's attention and ambush the villains so that we could arrest them." Y/n muttered quickly, her words almost ineligible.

"What the hell are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we're going undercover. Get dressed. We're going to a club. Chain's club."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now