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Bakugou woke up to the sound of a loud thud. He jumped up, still unnerved after yesterday's attack, only to be met with Y/n's tired face as she stared down at the spilt cup of coffee. "Why do I even bother.." She yawned, walking off to get a clean cloth. "What the fuck are you doin'..?" He groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Getting a cup of coffee to wake myself up for the press conference, but apparently god hates me too much.." She huffed, picking up the now dirty cloth.

"Press conference? What fuckin' press conference?" He sat up, the blanket that was covering him slid down to his torso. Y/n averted her gaze, heat rushing to her face. "P-put on a shirt you idiot.." She muttered. "Oh, I must have taken it off when I was asleep, does your air conditioning system even fuckin' work? It's shit. And you're not the one to be flustered after that shit you pulled yesterday." Bakugou rolled his eyes, flicking her forehead as he got up to get his shirt (Which he apparently tossed across the room in his sleep).

"Oh shut up! I was trying not to blow our cover, and you were the one that requested it!" He scoffed at her response. "You were the one that went with it!" She turned to him and gave him an offended glare. "W- They were watching us of course I went with it!" Bakugou rolled his eyes, he was pretty amused at how riled up she got. "You're enjoying this aren't you," She paused to yawn, "Fuckin' ass.. Here, you have ten minutes." Shoving a case that held his hero suit into his chest, she pushed him out of her office bedroom and into her office so that she could change into her own suit alone.

"This bitch.. Where the hell am I supposed to change? The office?!" He shouted through the door. "Yes!" "There are huge fuckin' windows you idiot!" "We're on the highest floor no one is gonna see you unless they have binoculars!" Cursing under his breath, Bakugou opened the case and took out his suit. "Why the fuck are we doing a press conference anyway?" He asked. "To explain what happened yesterday and to put out a statement to the civilians to reassure them that everything is under control!" She yelled back.

"Ready?" She asked him while shuffling through her script. "Yeah yeah. What's that?" He asked, motioning to the papers in her hand. "My script." She replied simply. He gave her a questioning look. "Well shouldn't I get one?" She shook her head, making him scowl. "What? Why the fuck not?" "Because you're supposed to be standing next to me as I speak for the both of us. I don't think the crowd will listen to a foreign hero even if we were dating." He grumbled something too quiet to hear. "What?"

"I said, why do we still have to do this fake dating shit if the Hero Restorationers already know that we're after them?" Y/n shrugged. "Dunno. The commission said something about an excellent response from the audience and want us to keep it up for the time being." Bakugou opened his mouth to complain but Y/n shushed him. "Nuh uh. I'm not in the mood to hear your complaining, I can barely see straight because of how drained I am so I'm going to save my energy for the speech. Now let's go."

Bakugou followed her out, glaring at her the whole way. The speech would be made in front of her agency where they had set up a small stage. "Welcome everyone," The president of the hero commission began. Bakugou and Y/n were both standing on the side, waiting for their turn patiently. "I am sure that you are all unsettled by recent events, but I assure you that we have our top heroes on it. One of them is our lovely number one Kinetika, and Japan's number two Dynamight, who will now present to you their words on the situation."

The large crowd clapped as the duo walked up the stage. Y/n was taken aback by all of the flashing cameras blinding her. Due to her unstable state, she stumbled back lightly, but Bakugou assisted her by putting his hand on her back and helping her walk to the stand. "Thanks.." She muttered under her breath. "Whatever.. Just don't.. Faint or whatever.. You'll embarrass me.." He whispered back.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant