Fool - Cavetown

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   Kaidou's POV

I sighed and stared at the setting sun "Fujiwara-san, I noticed you've been acting sad lately. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her hoping she'd say yes.

"Can you keep a secret kaidou?" She asked me "yeah" I replied. She layed her head on my shoulder and slumped "it's no fair seeing everyone in a relationship and not me, well mera isn't in a relationship. But her and hairo are getting real close, they might start dating soon and then I'm going to be alone. I can't stand being alone, I've never been alone but a part of me knows exactly how it feels. I don't like it, not one bit. I really started to feel and remember it when saiki started dating Mikoto. Me and him have been best friends since birth and now he's completely fixated on her? Don't get me wrong I'm glad he's fallen in love, but it just feels like he doesn't remember our friendship. I just wish I wasn't so alone" she ranted to me. The whole time I focused on her voice, the sound of it, and her mouth. Soft smooth lips that I could kiss all day, of course I couldn't tell her that.

"Fujiwara, if you ever start feeling lonely again. Don't hesitate to call me, I'll be here for you and we could do something to make you feel a little less lonely" I began to hear her sniffling "woah hey!" She clutched onto my shirt "kaidou, can you tell me your truth? That's something that I want to hear" she cried her tears, I wiped them off and embraced her in a hug "I love you, I loved you ever since karaoke night. And seeing you slowly loose your glow was just saddening, I want you to smile I want you to laugh. And I want to be the reason you smile to yourself when you think no one is looking, because I love you. I love you so much, and I want to do everything with you. We're young and there's still so much we could do, let me make your dreams come true (y/n)" I confessed to her.

I actually did it!

Your pov

He confessed to me, Kaidou confessed to me. But I do feel terrible. The setting sun behind him really made this moment more special I sighed "I would very much like that,  but I feel so bad because this whole time I've been focused on kusuo that I failed to notice you" he grabbed my chin and lead my eyes to his "Don't worry about that, don't let the past ruin your future" he softly spoke and I nodded, slowly inching in and out lips gently touched. When our lips touched it felt as if the sun shined through a cloudy day and brought warmth that tingled my skin. When we stopped I looked into his crimson eyes and smiled "might be a bad time to say this, but it is saiki's one year anniversary today. Maybe we could say that we got together next week?" I asked him "not being able to openly love you sounds like a pain" I giggled and ruffled his hair "you can openly love me still, we'll say it's our flirting phase" he nodded and smiled "I like that idea"

-- -- --
"Hey kaidou?" I called out to him "yeah?" He asked me "is it okay if I call you shun now?" I asked him "as long as I get to call you (y/n)" he held my hand. I put his arm around my shoulder and got closer to him "you can call me Fufu or (y/n) whichever you prefer"  I giggled "Fufu? That's childish" he stated.

"We're not kids anymore"

"Oh yeah... That is huh?"

I stopped then he stopped "hey, being childish is not bad. I'm the most childish person in our school" he cheered me up and I laughed "true, your still a chunnibyo" I laughed at him "y-you won't be laughing once dark reunion tries to do s-something funny" he blushed furiously "your so cute when your embarrassed" I kissed him once again "and anyways, where did you find that confidence earlier when you confessed? It was so out of character for you" I asked him.

"Well it's a fact that people tend to have more confidence when trying to get with someone... I-i mean I heard that on a YouTube video" he started blushing and I smiled "your too cute shun"


During classes the two of us openly flirted. He would write stuff on my arm and I didn't mind it one bit. But someone else did, and no it's not him.

"(Y/n) when did you and kaidou start flirting? And why?" Mera pulled me to the side and asked me "well just look at him" we both turned to look at kaidou.

He sat there choking on rice.

"Oh well he's just so attractive and I love him and his personality, Im done chasing after you-know-who. I figured liking kaidou would be less stressful, he has made me happy for a while now" I explained. And she nodded "well, as long as your happy. But anyways guess what?" She asked me "what?" I asked her "hairo asked me out on a date for next week! We're going to the movie theaters" she cheered "oh wow, that's great mera! Do you need me to stalk you from a distance?" I asked mischievously "well, yes but no. It would be great to have you there and help me, but it would just ruin the moment knowing your there" she explained.

Got it.

Go secretly.

"Okay mera, I respect your wishes. Now lets go eat lunch, I made two lunchbox cakes!" I cheered and she cheered as we made our way back to the table "what happened?" Kaidou asked me "she just wanted to tell me something, it's a secret" I booped his nose and he blushed "o-okay" I giggled and pulled out the cakes "here mera, this one is yours" I handed her the small box with a cake, then I opened ours "look kaidou! It's a froggy cake" I cheered and he laughed "it's too cute to eat"

We ended up killing the frog.

Later me and kaidou were walking, usually we'd walk with hika, but they left immediately to go meet their lady friend.

We held hands and swung them while we walked "Hey Fufu?" He called me "yeah?" I answered and looked at him. He scratched the back of his head "well, I kinda told my sister about you... And she told my mom, and now they wanna invite you over for dinner tonight" I froze in shock "this is all so sudden, I mean my family doesn't know we're together yet so what do I do?" I started panicking "oh no, this isn't very cash money"

My chest started hurting, I got down on my knees and curled over. I have to calm down. Shun began panicking as well, he didn't know what to do. In a panic he scooped me up and rushed away. I didn't get to see where we were going, I slowly started to loose vision and feel my whole body go limp. I slowly began falling into a slumber.

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