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My name is y/n I am currently 17 years old. I'm in love with my moms best friend. Yah yah I know whatever. I can't have her though because she's married and straight. That makes this so much worse she likes men *gags* gross. Anyways I'm on my way to a party JOIN ME!
"Mom I'm heading out!" I yell as me and
y/bsf/n walk downstairs. I see Billie Dean sitting in the couch sipping fine wine with my mom. I look to my best friend who knows about my crush. She swoops in to save me "hi Mrs. Howard" Billie smiles extending her hand out for her to shake. "Hi darling. Y/n do I not get a hug?" My bsf gives me a sorry look as she moves out of the way to sit on my mother's lap.

"Hi mom" my bsf turns to face my mother my mom laughs and offers some wine to her. I roll my eyes and walk over to Billie. I lean down to give her a hug her sweet perfume and cigarettes invade my nose. My heartbeat speeds up and I pull away quickly.
"Okay y/bsf/n let's go!" She groans as she pulls herself up. "Where are you going?" My mom asks. "Remember I told you Isaak, Jordan, summer, and the others are throwing me an early birthday party" my mother nods her head "oh yes I forgot okay are they here to pick you up?" I nod my head "okay bye have fun sweetie and please don't bring any girls home tonight!" I laugh as I walk away to the door "I won't!""bye!" My bsf turns to wave I reach the door handle when my mom yells.

"Y/n sweetie don't forget to come home tomorrow for your birthday. I'm throwing you a little party!" I smile sweetly at my mother "I will okay see you later" I push by bsf out of the door "ow! What was that for?" I close the door behind me and we run to isaaks car. "Hey! Birthday girl and birthday girls bsf/ fuckbuddy!" My bsf smacks his arm "hey okay I'm joking"

We make it to isaaks house. It's huge his parents own a law firm so he has MONEY, money. I've known him since I was 5 years old. He was the first person I told when I realized I think I like girls. He supported me ever since. As we get out of the car isaaks house is lit up with dancing lights and I can hear a dj. I turn to smile at him and he points to my bsf. She points back at him. I smile and give them both a hug "thank you!"

"Oh don't thank us yet. Wait til we get inside" the both grab my hands and walk me in. As Isaak opens the door everyone yells "SURPRISE!" I gasp and then smile "thank you!" Isaak hands me a drink and let the night begin.

I've lost count of how many shots I've taken and how many birthday kisses I've been given. "Yo pus!" My friend Elian calls me over. He's standing with two other girls who are seniors. "Hey what's up?" I dab him up before I turn my attention to the two very hot girls "well these two ladies here would like two christen you on your 18th birthday. Am I right ladies!" One of the girls is a brunette while the other is a blonde.

The blonde speaks first "yes that's true we've heard about you..." I smirk knowing very well they've heard of 'pussycat' "oh really?" The brunette steps forwards a bit "I'll leave you ladies to it" Elian says before he walks off. "Yeah we've seen yo around school just never had the guts to talk to you." The blonde steps towards me "that is until we found your friends over there" she points to Elian doing a keg stand.

I laugh and grab both of their hands I see Isaak on the way inside "yo mind if I borrow your room?" He looks at me and the two girls then smiles "nah go right on ahead" "thanks" I drag the two girls upstairs to isaaks rooms and lock the door. The two girls lead me to his massive bed. They lay on either side of me kissing and sucking my neck.

I get dressed and fix myself as best as I could. I walk back downstairs and find Isaak. He sees me and walks over "what's the damage this time?" "No damage and I placed your blankets in the washer" he gives me a high five then points to my neck "dude you have MASSIVE hickeys all over your neck. I shrug my shoulders and down the rest of my drink.

Already forgot about a certain blonde woman. I mean the blonde I slept with DID NOT help but I'm too drunk anyways. I'm snapped out of my thoughts as my bsf finds me "HOLY SHIT WTF HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK!" She points "a blonde and a brunette." She smiles and gives me a high five. "That's my birthday girl and you finished just in time too it's 11:57" the dj announces that in less than 3 minutes I turn 18 the crowd cheers.

"3...2...1...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I smile and hug Isaak and my bsf. "SPEECH!" Isaak yells I chuckle and grab the microphone. "Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and kisses" the crowd laughs "but an even bigger thanks to isaak and y/bsf/n for throwing me this party. Well there's nothing else to say but hide your moms because IM 18!" The crowd cheers and the music resumes playing.

Around 12:10ish I get a call from my mother. I answer and walk outside to sit on the front porch. "Hello?" "Happy 18th birthday sweetie!" "Thanks mom" "happy birthday sweetheart" my heart drops to my ass "t-thank you Billie" "well it sounds like your having a good time" my mom says I can hear Billie giggle in the background. "I-" I get cut off "AYYY what's up y/n happy birthday- oh shit did someone already get some birthday lovin?" My friend Derek walks outside to smoke a joint clearly already drunk and high" I laugh "Derek- go away" he laughs and puts his hands up in surrender before ruffling my hair and walking off.

"Yes mom I'm having a good time." I hear my mom sigh "well I'll let you go will you be coming home tonight or sleeping at isaaks?"
"I um I think I might just sleep here with
y/bsf/n if that's okay I will be home tomorrow around lunchtime." "Okay have fun and be safe call me- or me-(Billie pops in) if you need anything" my mom finishes. "I know I will I love you bye!" I hang up.

I walk back into the party and enjoy the rest of my night.

Well part 1 is up I wanted to dive back a little into high-school y/n


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