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I wake up the next morning with a party hat on my head, sunglasses, spring break beads around my neck (bc I am a spring baby my birthday just so happens to fall during spewing break every year) and my bsf asleep on top of me.

What the fuck happened last night? The last thing I remember was calling my mom and then....idk

My bsf wakes up groaning "what the fuck happened? Why am I wearing sunglasses?" I laugh and she looks over at me and breaks out laughing I start laughing too seeing her wearing stupid shit. "Ow shit headache oh no" we look at each other "hangover" we say at the same time. Isaak walks downstairs "good morning ladies" he laughs "shut up and please sir water and pain meds" I tell him before leaning back against the couch and closing my eyes.

I wake up again once Isaak taps me and hands me water and pain meds. "What happened?" I ask him he laughs and shows me pics from last night on people's private stories. "OMG!" I scream and cover my mouth "you rode a surfboard down the STAIRS! WITHOUT ME!" My bsf yells. "Ow too loud and I'm sorry I don't even remember doing that" Isaak laughs "oh it was my idea" I give him a death glare and he just laughs it off.

"Hey come on guys go take a shower then I will drive us to McDonald's to get coffee and breakfast before I take you home" me and
y/bsf/n both sit up and race each other upstairs.

After our showers Isaak hands us some of his clothes then drives us to McDonald's. We eat in the car talking about what we remember from last night before Isaak drops us off at my house. "Bye Isaak thank you and I will see you later" I hug him before I walk away "bye idiot and you owe me $10 for that keg stand I did!" My bsf yells pointing her finger at him as she follows me to my door. Isaak laughs and shakes his head as he walks around to the drivers side.

I walk into my house "MOM IM HOME!" My best friend yells into the house "in the kitchen!" My mom yells back me and my bsf walk into the kitchen to see my mom icing a birthday cake and Billie Dean swiping her finger in the frosting. "Billie stop it!" My mom swats her hand Billie backs off and sticks her finger in her mouth sucking the icing off "sweet." Is all she says and I feel my knees go weak.

"I'm going to be in my room getting ready" I say as I walk towards the stairs "can I have some?" My bsf asks "sure" my mom passes her the bowl "hey and I can't have any?" Billie asks "no because you didn't help me make it" my mom teases Billie. Billie crosses her arms and huffs my bsf sneakily passes Billie the bowl before she walks off to follow me. Billie smirks and sticks her finger back into the bowl "I saw that" my mom says even though her back is to them. They both freeze and my bsf tells Billie "your own your own" and runs away.

In my room y/bsf/n and I get ready blasting music and singing horribly to each other and laughing about it. We're broken from our laughter as Billie peeks her head in "y/n can you come here for a minute?" I walk over to her and she moves out of the way so I can walk past. She closes the door and my mind starts racing

What does she wanna talk about? Oh god did she see all of the stupid shit I did last night? What if she's mad? What if she tells me I look ugly in this outfit? No no she would never

I'm broken from my thought as Billie speaks "had a fun night did you?" I freeze and just say "yes" she laughs before dragging me into the bathroom and making me look in the mirror. "HOLY SHIT!" I blurt out as I take a look at my neck. "It looks like I got into a fight and was strangled." I say as I touch the marks on my neck. "Yah your lucky your mom was too focused on your cake to notice. But I saw it the moment you walked into the kitchen" I turn to face her with wide eyes Billie just laughs and crosses her arms.

"Who was it this time?" She asks I look through my makeup drawer trying to find my foundation because concealer at this point would not help. "I-uh-um shit I left it in my room, follow me!" I walk back into my room Billie following behind me. My bsf looks over at my frantic state and quirks at eyebrow "hey Mrs it's the end of the world what are you looking for?" She asks me I turn to face her and show her my neck "HOLY SHIT! Those were not that bad last night!" She breaks out laughing "it's so not funny. Have you seen my foundation?" She picks up my foundation and a makeup sponge and begins trying to cover up the marks.

Billie sits on my bed and watches as y/bsf/n covers up the hickeys the both of us moving in a rehearsed manner. "How many times have you had to do this y/n?" Billie asks. "I-um" I can't make out a decent sentence so my bsf answers for me "way too many" Billie quirks an eyebrow at me and hums I give her a shy smile and pass my bsf the powder brush.
"And y/bsf/n may I ask who did that" Billie points to my neck. My bsf freezes and meets my eyes asking if she should tell.

I nod my head knowing Billie would just ask one of my other friends later if we don't tell her now. "Umm a blonde and a brunette" my bsf just gets straight to the point I make a face like 'yah okay good job' she sighs a breath of relief and Billie looks shocked. "Have I met said girls?" Billie asks. I shake my head no and Billie hums again. I can tell the wheels in her head are turning. I wanna ask her what's she thinking but my bsf finishes and smacks my cheek a little bit softly bringing me back to reality.

"Thanks" "yah you owe me Starbucks" Billie laughs as she stands beginning to walk out. She stops behind me as I fix my hair in my vanity. She brushes my hair aside and checks my neck "good job y/bsf/n" she turns to my bsf who just says "thanks practice makes perfect" I throw my makeup sponge at her "hey ow you don't wanna start right now. Don't think that just because it's your birthday I won't kick your ass"

She throws the sponge back and I laugh and go over to kiss her cheek "I know I love you" she sighs and says "yah you better!" We walk out after Billie.

I didn't proof read any of these so if there is any mistakes I might fix them once I finish this book or never who knows.

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