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Your POV:

I wake up the next morning and take a shower in my moms bathroom since y/bsf/n is using mine. "MOMMY!" I yell realizing that I forgot my towel. My mom walks in a few seconds later "yes" I peek my head out of the shower door "I forgot my towel" she walks out and returns a few minutes later with a clean towel and my robe. "Thank you" I smile sweetly and grab them.

I dry myself off and wrap myself in my robe. As I'm walking out of the bathroom I see Billie is awake and sitting on my mothers bed. "Good morning Billie" I say sweetly as I dry my hair. Billie just stares at me for a few seconds before she closes her eyes and shakes her head "good morning angel" I walk over and place a kiss on her cheek "showers all your" then I walk out.

Billie POV:

What the fuck?
I have a wet dream about my bsf daughter then there she is hair wet and wrapped in that damn robe. Y/n kisses my cheek "showers all yours" before she walks away. I sit there for a moment before I snap back into reality. I grab a towel and make my way into the bathroom. As the hot water hits my back I sigh.

I wish I could wake up like that every morning. And why did I have a sex dream about her? Especially in the same position I walked in on her and y/bsf/n doing? Never mind now that I think about it, it makes sense.
God help me.

I dry myself off and grab some of my clothes that I left here for my spontaneous sleepovers at my best friends house. I do my makeup and blow dry my hair before I make my way downstairs.

Your POV:

My friends and I are helping my mom make breakfast. Isaak and I are making the pancakes while Elian and y/bsf/n are cracking and scrambling eggs. "Found it!" My mom says as she walks back into the kitchen holding our speaker. "I call aux!" Isaak and I both say at the same time. We laugh but I'm already hooked up to the speaker so I win. "Love me like you do" by Ellie Goulding starts playing. My friends and I start singing and dancing making my mom laugh.

Right as the chorus drops Billie rounds the corner my eyes shooting to her. "My heads spinning around I can't see clear no more...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" I sing staring right into her eyes. Isaak picks me up and starts spinning me around, singing stupidly. My friends and I starts dancing and singing to each other. But as the song ends I look over to Billie smiling sweetly. I grab her hands and sing the song to her truly meaning the words. We stare into each other's eyes until the next song starts playing.

My bsf pulls me back by my hips and starts swaying them side to side. I break my eyes away from Billie to dance with her. My friends and I continue to sing and dance a little as we help my mother serve the plates. We all sit down listening to my mom telling a story about her in Billie back in high school.

Billie POV:

As I make my way downstairs I hear laughter and "love me like you do" playing I love that song. As I turn the corner I make eye contact with y/n right as the chorus drops. I hold my breath as sings the words to me. Isaak picks her up and spins her around. I should be the one doing that. I sigh and sit down on a chair. Y/n walks over to me and grabs my hands as she sings the words of the song to me.

She's so adorable.

As the song ends we both stay lost in each other's eyes that is until the next song starts playing and her bsf grabs her hips pulling her away. I watch y/n laugh as y/bsf/n sways her hips against her own. I feel my anger bubbling up inside me. I dig my nails into my palm as I fake smile.

I get lost in my own little world and only snap back into reality as y/m/n sets a plate in front of me "thank you" I look up to her and smile. Y/n and her friends set their own plates down. Y/n is sitting right across from me. Y/bsf/n to her right, Elian beside her, and Isaak sitting beside y/m/n who is sitting to my left.

I watch as y/n's little nose scum he's up listening to her mom tell a story about our high school days. "No really! Right Billie?" I look over towards her "yup. When we came back from to high school after our smoke break. The pencil we stuck in the door was gone and we were locked out." I laugh remembering how screwed we were. "Long story short our gym coach found us and made us run the whole period that day" y/m/n says.

Y/n and her friends laugh. "Omg y/n! Do you remember the day we did the same thing but not for a smoke break but when we didn't want to eat the school food so we all left campus and got locked out too?" Her bsf says. Y/n thinks for a moment before her eyes shoot wide open "OMG! Yessss" she gasps and looks at her mom "that was the day Ms. Clark called you and told you 'she caught me smoking marijuana' that old bitch never liked me" I laugh as I distinctly remember her telling me all about her hatred for Ms. Clark.

Y/n's mom laughs "yes and when I arrived at the school I put her in her place and then checked all of you guys out and bought ice cream" her friends laugh and thank her mom again for that. I try not to feel sad as I'm always missing out on moments like this. Y/n called me that day but I was too busy filming my new show I couldn't pick her up.

After breakfast y/n says her and her friends are leaving. They all say goodbye y/n gives me a kiss on the cheek before giving her mom one. The rest of her friends follow suit and give her mom a kiss on the cheek before laughing and walking away. As the door closes y/n mom turns towards me "now what's on your mind Billie Dean I could see the wheels in you head turning since yesterday"

My heart drops

Is there anything you guys want to happen?

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