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Where is she?

"Y/n... y/n!" I snap out of my trance and look at my bsf "huh?" She highers the volume to the TV.
"Civilians, who are stuck in traffic, are stepping out of their cars into the pouring rain, to help our EMTs pull and care for survivors." My phone begins ringing. 'Bil ❤️' I answer immediately "BILLIE?! Are you okay?" Billie takes a deep breath "yes darling I'm okay. God, does it sound great to hear your voice. I've been trying to get a hold of you but the service out here isn't the best." I hear a loud bang on billies side of the line and some screams. I look at the tv and realize one of the cars caught on fire. "Shit." Billie whispers "Billie? Where are you?" I ask panicked

Billie tells me she's stuck in traffic a good distance away from the pileup. "Y/n listen to me." My heart begins racing. "Do you love me?" She ask to which I respond "with all my heart." Billie sighs loudly before saying "I can see them y/n. I can feel them. Their souls are searching for their trapped loved ones. I have to help them y/n. I have to try. I love you so much and I promise I'll come back home." Before I can tell her not to, the call ends.

"Bil? Billie?!" My bsf gives me a slightly panicked look. I turn to the tv.
I look closely and spot dirty blonde hair. "BILLIE!?" I jump up off the floor and watch as my lover steps out of her parked car and into the pouring rain, jogging towards the pileup.

"Is-is that Billie Dean Howard?" The news woman points out. "It is, it is the famous medium!" Tears stream down my face as I watch the love of my life run towards the pile of cars. The flames dying slightly cause of the rain. As Billie jogs between the rows of parked cars, more and more civilians are stepping out and following behind her.
"Billie Dean Howard, why do you have to be such a good person?"

Billie POV:

After I hung up with y/n I open my car door and as if breaking the seal of silence. Screams and yelling voices can be heard above the hard pattering of rain. I shut my door and begin making my way towards the flaming pile of vehicles. As I'm passing cars I hear a voice call out "ma'am are you going to help?" I stop and move a strand of wet hair out of my face "yes sir" the man kisses his wife before opening his door and joining me.

By the time I reach the pileup, there is a small army behind me. I take a quick scan around and see a man, bloodied, cuts on his face and body, standing beside the pile, looking at the cars. I walk up to him "excuse me Sir, can I help you?" The man looks at me, through sobs he says "my- my family. Where is my family?" I try to calm him down and finally learn he has a teenage son and a wife. He points me to his car.

It's a red Honda Accord, flipped upside down in the middle of the pile up. Nobody is helping them. I start running toward it "help!" I yell once I reach the car and notice the wife still inside, seatbelt intact, upside down. She's slipping in and out of consciousness but alive. I begin trying to pry the door open but it's useless. "HELP! I NEED SOME HELP!" The man from earlier runs up to me along with a few others. "Help me pull this door open!" Together we are able to pull the wife from the vehicle. The son is also in the car but his end of the vehicle is completely crushed and broken. There is no way we will be able to open the door.

I call an EMT and tell them where he is. With the Jaws of life they are able to pull him from the wreckage. After the wife and son is safe. The husband is no longer around. I take a deep breath then notice another woman, then a man, then a child...all bloodied, all seeking my help. This is gonna be a long painful night.

I think I've helped every soul I've come across and I'm fairly certain there is no more victims still in the cars. The police, first responders and firefighters are helping survivors and still searching. The small but brave group of civilians huddle together and give high-fives a few of them even cried. The man from earlier comes up to me and says "you are a very brave woman. Also my name is Tom" I smile and shake his hand "Billie. And you're quite heroic yourself." I smile "Thank you for helping me. I appreciate it" he shakes his head and says "don't mention it"

The chief of police comes up to us.
"I just wanted to say thank you. For the brave work you all did tonight. There isn't many people who would even think about doing the things you guys did tonight. You are heroes each and every one of you. Thank you."
I give him a half smile before all of our attention is pulled by an ear piercing shriek.

"MY BABY!" A woman comes running past the barricade. "SOME ONE PLEASE FIND MY BABY!" She immediately gets stopped by personnel but keeps screaming "my baby' over and over. It isn't until the rain suddenly stops and the crackling of the fire has gone down. That we hear a distant cry.

We look around at each other, trying to distinguish where its coming from. "Over here!" A man yells from the end of the pileup. The group of us run towards him. "I think it's coming from this car." He points to one of the vehicles at the end. The car is crushed in the front but the backseat is entirely intact. "One of these cars is leaking gas" Tom says.. Immediately we begin trying to pry open the door. It's jammed.

I wipe the back window with my sleeve and look inside. There is a baby in a car seat, still perfectly strapped in place. I try to open the door but no luck. I think about smashing the window but I'm afraid of hurting the baby. "Damn it!" I yell frustrated. As if on cue the car in front of us, Ignites. I cover my eyes with my arm and duck. My ears ring. The screams, the heat,  the loud crackling of the flames and the crying baby slowly fade back in. Adrenaline shoots through my body.

"Are you alright?!" Tom asks from beside me "Yeah!" I shout. The blast from the ignition blew a small hole in the passenger window. "Look! Help me make it bigger" Tom immediately takes off his coat and starts breaking the glass. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for my next move. Once Tom quickly clears the glass, I climb through the window. I crawl to the backseat and unbuckle the baby. "Shh I got you" I hush the baby, once it's safely in my arms. Another loud bang and a round of screams erupts. The vehicle I'm in shakes violently, tossing my back into the door paneling. I hold the baby against my chest and groan.

I quickly recover once I noticing the increasing heat. Black smoke clouds over the ceiling. I wrap the blanket around the babe and try to shield its little face. I cover my nose and mouth with my arm. Preventing most of the smoke from entering my lungs. "BILLIE!" Rapid bangs on the backseat window pulls my attention back to my task. It's getting harder and harder to see with the black fog clouding my eyesight and burning my eyes.

I try to climb back to the front seat but discover  flames, quickly spreading backwards. Without a second thought I hold the baby to my chest and lay back against the backseat. Forced to remove my arm and hold myself up, I begin coughing. With blurred vision I spot the window. I position my foot to the glass and kick. Kick. Kick. Over and over. Until finally.....SMASH! I sit up and hold the baby out the window "HERE!" I yell. I feel someone remove the baby from my hands.

Once I know the baby is safe my only focus is not passing out. "BILLIE!" Tom yells as he reaches in to grab my arms. I latch onto him as I feel myself slipping out of consciousness. Tom pulls me out of the car right before the flames engulf the vehicle. Loud gasps and cries erupt as Tom carries my almost lifeless body away from the burning vehicle.
"Billie...stay with me..." I hear and see flashes and bits as we move. He places me on a stretcher and stays beside me. An oxygen mask is placed on my face immediately.

Once we're inside the ambulance and moving the only thought I have is my girlfriend. I gasp and remove the oxygen mask "y/n! Call y/n" Tom grabs my hand and I remember my phone is in my car. Tears stream down my face before it goes black.....

I'm loving this! 🤭


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