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Billie POV:

She's coming down today! She said she is bringing a plus 1 for Christmas but I just assume she's bringing y/bsf/n. I'm excited nonetheless.

"Honey!" My husband yells from the closet "what!" "Have you seen my blue tie I can't seem to find it." I roll my eyes and sigh "you mean the ugly one I threw out last weekend?" He pops his head out of the doorway "you what?" I cross my arms "that tie was simply hideous please put on the nice silk tie I bought you please and it's Christmas why are you wearing blue?" He just scoffs and puts on the new tie.

Oh god I need to get out of here.

Your POV:

I'm so exited Kaitlin and I have been together for 5 months she's absolutely amazing. We're currently driving to my moms house for Christmas my bsf asleep in the backseat. We are supposed to be meeting Isaak and Elian as well. The only thing is I haven't told Billie about Kaitlin. My mother knows and has spoken with her. My mom absolutely adores Kaitlin but I'm afraid of how Billie will react.

We pull up to my driveway and park the car my bsf sits up totally lost. "Huh where are we? Are we here?" I chuckle and unhook my seatbelt "yes now get off we're early" I walk around to Kaitlins door to help her out "thank you my love" she grabs my hand and kisses my cheek.

I follow my bsf to my front door she just walks right in no knocking nothing. "SANTAS HERE!" She yells into my empty foyer. "AHHH" I hear my mother squeal and her little heels hitting the floor rapidly. She turns the corner and envelops my bsf into a tight hug. Then turns her gaze to me "come give your mother a hug" I smile and walk into her arms "Merry Christmas mom" once we pull away my mother opens her arms up to Kaitlin "come here beautiful" Kaitlin smiles and walks into my moms open arms. "Hello Ms. y/l/n Merry Christmas"

I show Kaitlin around my childhood home and then walk into my kitchen to help my mother prepare the desserts for tonight. I'm standing behind Kaitlin teaching her how to make French buttercream frosting. When I hear Billies voice echo though the kitchen. "There's my sweet girl" I peek over my shoulder and see Billie standing in the doorway smiling at me.

I run Kaitlins hips letting her know I'll be right back. My mother steps in to take over my job showing Kaitlin what to do. "BILLIE!" I run up to her wrapping my arms around her neck. She wraps hers around my waist lifting me off the ground slightly. "I've missed you!" I haven't talked to Billie since I left for college. We were always so busy and our schedules never aligned.

Once I greet Billie I feel Kaitlins arm snake around my waist. I smile and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Billie this is my girlfriend Kaitlin, Kaitlin this is Billie Dean my mom's best friend" Kaitlin smiles and extends a hand out for Billie to shake. Billie stands still for a moment before forcing a smile and shaking Kaitlins hand. "It's so nice to meet you y/n had told me all about you!" Billie smiles "it's nice to meet you too...Kaitlin"

I feel awkward so I suggest kait and I finish the dessert. My bsf keeps Billie company while kait and I work on the dessert. Kaitlin and I kept messing around the whole time we were frosting the cakes. Eventually getting a bit of frosting on each others faces. "Girls that cake looks beautiful! Doesn't it look adorable Billie?" My mother says as she paces the cake on the cake dish.

Billie is sitting at the island with my bsf. She looks from the cake to Kaitlin to my mother then replies "yes its too cute." With a monotone voice. My bsf laughs causing Billie to smirk. I shake my head and grab a piping bag full of frosting putting some on my finger and placing a little bit on the top of Kaitlins nose. She gasps and squeals "Y/N!" She smacks my arm and grabs a napkin but I lick it off before she had a chance to wipe it.

She giggles and pushes my shoulders back "you two are so cute" my mom says as she leans on the island next to Billie. My attention is brought to Billies sad looking face. My face feels sticky from the frosting so I excuse myself to the bathroom dragging kait with me. We clean our faces and fix our makeup. We take a few selfies in my bathroom before my bsf drags us outside to take more photos.

 We take a few selfies in my bathroom before my bsf drags us outside to take more photos

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My mom gladly takes them Billie standing by her side smiling. More guests arrive including Isaak and Elian. Christmas dinner begins with everyone sitting around the table talking and eating my mom's homemade meal. My friends getting along with Kaitlin and I am filling my family in on my life since I left.

Billie POV:

I arrive at y/n's house I am so exited to finally see her. But as I walk in I'm greeted by y/bsf/n and her mother. "Where is my girl?" I ask them they both point to the kitchen. As I walk closer I hear faint giggles. I stand in the doorway watching y/n stand behind a smaller girl wearing a white dress. "There's my sweet girl" she looks over her shoulder then pats the girls waist. "BILLIE!" She squeals as she runs into my arms I give her a big hug before I release her. "I've missed you!"

We talk for a while before I see that girl wrap her arm around y/n's waist. I watch as y/n smiles sweetly then wraps her arm around the girls shoulders. "Billie this is my girlfriend Kaitlin, Kaitlin this is Billie Dean my mom's best friend" ouch Kaitlin? Why did that name sound so familiar? She's stunning

The girl extends a hand out to me and greets me. Then it hits me THE KAITLIN! The girl
y/n made out with that one time. The girl she had a crush on?

It was torture watching them do cute little things together or pose to take photos together or watch how well this Kaitlin girl gets along with y/n's mom and friends. Throughout dinner y/n's eyes rarely left Kaitlin's body she's absolutely smitten

After dinner the guests separate into groups the fun ones such as y/n and her friends plus me and whoever else likes to hang with the 'young crowd' of course y/n and her friends proposed a drinking game. I begin to get nervous as the last time I played any sort of drinking games with them I ended up making out with y/n!

Oh god I'm in trouble.

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