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Your POV:

I hear three sets of plates being placed on the table and hear them quickly excusing themselves chasing after me. I smirk and grab a glass from the cupboard. The three of them enter the kitchen looking at me expectantly. Isaak closes the doors connecting it to the main room. "Spill!" My bsf says I fill my glass with wine and take a sip before telling them everything. They are excited about it but a little too excited.

"Pay up!" My bsf says to two defeated looking boys. I quirk a brow but leave nonetheless knowing she'll tell me later. Right now I wanna be with Billie. I open the doors and confidently walk over to Billie and sit beside her, glass of wine in hand. She smirks and takes my glass from me. She taking a sip while holding my gaze. I smile and shake my head. We both look over to the movements coming from the kitchen.

My friends open the doors and my bsf pats isaaks cheek before walking back to her seat, the two boys dragging behind her. Billie looks at me and quirks her brow. I shrug my shoulders and look back at them. My nana holds her hand out to my bsf who drops her jaw then facepalms. My nana smiles as my bsf places $200 in my nanas open hand. The two boys begin laughing uncontrollably. My bsf hangs her head and slumps back in her chair.

I look at Billie and my mom. "What just happened?" My mom asks. "I think- did you guys bet on how my mom would react to bil and I?" I ask them. My friends look between each other but stay silent. My nana speaks up "not quite we bet on when your mother would finally come around." I nod my head slowly taking in the information. "The boys lost by a few weeks, y/bsf/n was the closest, but I bet on my birthday" she says holding up the money. I giggle and grab Billies hand, my mom laughs "mom really? Did you set this up to win?"

I look over confused "she talked us all into coming so she could win a bet. Was the lecture you gave me the other day part of your plan too?" My nana shrugs her shoulders and places the money in her wallet. "Who knows my dear but all is well and it's time for cake!" She gets up and walks off. Everyone cheers and follows her. I laugh and lean my head on Billies shoulder, she places her hand on my knee.

I smirk and place a soft kiss to Billies neck. She slides her hand higher up my thigh. I lick to her ear and suck her earlobe. "Mommy, can I have dessert when we go home?" Billie releases a shaky breath and nods her head. I smile and nip at her neck before getting up and pulling Billie with me. I sip my arms around her waist and pull her close. I kiss her lips "Your mine tonight, mommy" I bite my lip before walking away towards the kitchen, swaying my hips more than usual.

Billie enters the kitchen taking place beside me as we light my grandmas candles and sing happy birthday. Billie has her arm around my waist and I have mine around hers. We're standing in the back so I slide my hand down and grip her ass. Billie tightens her grip around my waist. I smile and as the song ends and everyone claps I smack her ass, making Billie jump a bit. I laugh and release my grip then clap.

Billie and I get in line for cake when it's my turn she leans beside my ear and moans in it. I freeze and almost drop my slice of cake. Billie chuckles then cuts her slice. We eat our cake feeding each other, which I find I really enjoy Billie feeding me. Ik definitely going to be a brat someday and make her feed me.

After we finish our cake. My nana tells everyone to join her in the backyard. My nana sits in the garden gazebo, my mom, bsf, Billie and I join her, along with my aunts. The husbands, Elian and Isaak and the cousins play yard games elsewhere. I sit on the loveseat with Billie. I take my shoes off and pull my knees to my chest. I lean into Billies side, glass of wine in hand. Billie smiles and takes a sip of her wine.

We join the conversation, Billie massaging my palm, making my heart flutter. My least favorite aunt Mary keeps eyeing us. I totally forgot everyone outside of my immediate circle didn't know about Billie and I. I nudge Billie she bums and looks at me I motion for her to lean down. She scoots closer to me and I laugh "Billie." She tilts her head and furrows her brows I raise my hand to cover my mouth she raises her eyebrows and nods her head in understanding. She leans down and I whisper "I totally forgot nobody else knows about us except our inner circle. Don't freak out but Mary keeps staring at us."

Billie pulls away and takes a sip of her wine a way for her to discreetly scan the room and take a look at Mary. Who was indeed looking at us. Billie gives me the 'I see' look. I bite my lip and try to get my moms attention. I successfully get her attention and lean over the armrest of the loveseat to whisper "Mary keeps staring at Billie and I. Does she know? Does anyone else know?" My mom pulls away and shakes her head no. I nod my head and purse my lips. I give her the 'what do we do look' she just gives me the 'calm down, it's okay' look.

She leans back into me "if she says anything nobody else here will object. That I'm sure of, but with her idk how she'll react." I nod my head and lean back into Billie. She looks at me "is everything okay" I nod "yes she just said nobody else knows and if she does say something everyone will most likely be cool about it but with Mary she's unsure."

Billie acknowledges that and wraps her arm around my shoulders "well I don't give a fuck what Mary thinks or anyone else for that matter. You're mom and nana accept us. Who else matters" she leans down and whispers to me before kissing my head. I smile and return my hand to her. She smirks and begins massaging my hand with hers.

We join the conversation again until Mary speaks up "y/m/n are Billie and y/n together?"

Oh fuck off Mary and mind
Your business. 😒

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