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Y/m/n= your moms name
Bsf= best friend
Y/bsf/n= your best friends name
We met my mom and Billie downstairs "so what do you guys think?" My bsf and I start striking poses for them ending in the Charlie's angels pose back to back with our finger guns. My mom and Billie crack up laughing "you girls look gorgeous!" My mom says as she comes up to us grabbing our hands and making us twirl.

I'm wearing baby pink for Billie

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I'm wearing baby pink for Billie. "Don't they just look darling Billie?" My mom turns to face her and so do we. We strike another Charlie's angels pose. "Yes they look adorable!" Billie says but her eyes are glued to me. I smile and run up to her giving her a kiss on the cheek and sit on her lap. "Mom what flavor is my cake?" I ask my mom.

What on earth possessed me to give her a kiss on the cheek and sit on her lap?!!!

"Strawberry your favorite!" I smile and lean back against Billie. "Thank you mommy" I say sweetly. I feel Billies breath hitch but I just think it's because I leaned back against her. My bsf gives me a look like 'what the hell?' Before she walks over to my mom "is there more icing left?" "No I'm sorry darling Billie ate the rest" my bsf snaps her head over to Billie her eyes shooting daggers.

Billie laughs and wraps her arms around my waist making me hold my breath "sorry
y/bsf/n you did give me the bowl and leave me to my own defenses" Billie says with a shrug. My bsf sighs and walks defeatedly over to the chair across from Billie and I. Billie runs one of her hands across my thigh. I have to suppress a moan. Just then my doorbell rings "y/n can you get that please?" "Sure" I sadly have to get off of Billies lap. I walk towards the door dragging my bsf with me "hawww"

We open the door and there stands Isaak and Elian. "Hey y/n happy birthday" they both give me a hug and a gift. I thank them and let them inside my house. "Uh I'm here too" my bsf says with her arms out Elian laughs and gives her a hug picking her up off the ground. "Oh god" she screams as he spins her around. "ME TOO!" I place the gifts on the side table and throw my arms up like a child asking for uppies. Isaak comes over and wraps his arms around my waist picking me up twirling me around. We're all laughing uncontrollably until the guys put us down.

I walk them both into the kitchen my mom greets them with a hug and Billie stands up to meet them for the first time. "Billie this is Isaak and Elian, guys this is Billie my moms best friend" I introduce them they all shake hands and the guys take a seat at the table. "So y/n how did you wake up?" Elian asks. Isaak looks over to my bsf and I, we all start laughing. I grab his hand and lead us up to my room.

Billie POV:

I feel so conflicted. When I saw her walk in this morning all marked up I felt jealous. I don't know why. Then to be told she had a threesome with two girls! I knew she was gay that's not why I'm shocked. I don't know why I'm feeling upset.

Y/n and y/bsf/n come downstairs and my eyes immediately are glued to y/n she's wearing a gorgeous baby pink outfit. It's making my heartbeat pick up. Then she kisses my cheek and sits on my lap. Why did it feel different to hear her say 'mommy'? Just thinking of the way her voice sounded saying the word makes my heart flutter.

Then seeing the look on her face when that little boy picked her up. Hearing the way she giggles with him. I know she grew up with Isaak I just never had the chance to meet him I was always busy with my show. But he's a good looking kid. Wait what am I saying Billie Dean she likes girls. You should be worried about her bsf.

WAIT why should you be worried at all? Your straight and MARRIED! Dammit Billie. I'm broken from my thoughts as I hear that Elian boy ask her how she woke up. I turn my head genuinely wanting to know what happened at that party other than the threesome. That Isaak kid turns to look at y/bsf/n and y/n. Then they all break out in laughter before y/n grabs his hand and leads him up to her room the rest following.

I feel a rage bubbling up inside of me the way she dragged him up to her room like that. DAMMIT BILLIE SHES GAY!

"Ughh!" I accidentally let it out loud. Y/m/n looks over at me with a quirked brow. "What's going through your brain Billie Dean?" I chuckle if only you knew "I really wanted to hear how y/n woke up" she laughs out loud "kids right" I smile "yeah" y/m/n sets a glass of wine before me and takes a seat beside me.

Your POV:

"Y/n the door!" My mom yells from downstairs. I get up and the rest of my friends follow me downstairs still laughing about me surfing the stairs. When I open the door I see some of my mom and Billies friends, my aunts and uncles, cousins and some more of my classmates. I greet them all while the guys and my bsf help me hold all the presents.

My mom and I'm guessing Billie lead everyone to the backyard and tells my friends to bring the presents I'm about to close the door and walk out too but the doorbell rings so I circle back and swing open the door. There stands my brunette and blonde. I'm shocked but let them in nonetheless I close the door behind them "hey you two!" "Hi y/n" the blonde says "happy birthday" the brunette says before placing a kiss on my lips. When she pulls away I'm swiftly brought into another set of lips.

We pull away from each other and I extend an arm out to both of them to hold. I lead them through the house when I pass the kitchen I see Billie sat at the kitchen table. I give her a nervous smile hoping she didn't hear anything and walk to the backyard with the girls on my arms. Once we reach the backyard my friends run up to me the girls see their own friends and walk off "we'll see you later y/n"

I grab my bsf wrist and tell them to come. Once we get inside I hear them all murmuring mixtures of "what the fuck" "why are they here?" And "who invited them!" I lead them upstairs and into my room. "Guys what the fuck?!" I say my bsf grabs my hand "do you want me to send them away?" I shake my head "no then my mom is going to question why and it's not a good look in general just...y/bsf/n act like my girlfriend. Hopefully they will just fuck off on their own"

"Hopefully this works"

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